Causes | Herpes Simplex Virus


The cause of a Herpes Simplex virus infection can be either a new infection or reactivation of the virus. A new infection occurs by infecting another individual. This requires either direct contact from mucosa to mucosa (for example, during kissing or sexual intercourse) or contact with saliva (for example, when using the same glass).

In most cases, the initial infection with HSV1 is caused by an infection in infancy from mother to child, whereas the infection with HSV2 is caused by sexual intercourse. Exactly which factors are necessary to reactivate a latent virus has not yet been conclusively clarified. However, some risk factors and the fact that certain circumstances are typical for certain people to become infected with Herpes Simplex Virus are known. As possible reasons for a reactivation are regarded:

  • Stress
  • Weakening of the immune system (certain diseases, cancer or taking medication)
  • Burns (also sunburn! )
  • Injuries
  • Irritation of the skin or nerve node
  • Fever
  • Hormonal fluctuations (for example, in women during menstruation)


The clinical appearance of the Herpes Simplex virus is very typical. HSV1 is responsible for almost 90% of the infections, so the characteristic skin findings are mostly found around the mouth. The first sign of an upcoming herpes infection is often a feeling of tension and itching of the affected skin area.

Later, blisters develop, which are usually located at the transition area between the red of the lips and the skin of the face. These blisters typically become inflamed in the course of the disease, causing them to become crusty and sometimes purulent, often causing pain and hypersensitivity of the skin. In rare cases, an infection also causes swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck area.

Infection with HSV2 typically manifests itself on the genitals. There, just like in the mouth, blisters appear that can itch and hurt.In some cases, small, somewhat more serious tissue defects (ulcerations) also occur. Rarer manifestations of a Herpes Simplex infection are

  • Meningitis, which can be accompanied by fever, seizures and even unconsciousness
  • Generalized herpes infections
  • An infection of the retina (retinitis)
  • The severe herpes simplex infection of newborns (Herpes neonatorum).