Causes of bloating


The bloated belly is probably a symptom from which everyone has suffered several times. The air in the belly that just won’t come out. In the technical language the inflatable stomach is also called meteorism.

There are many different causes for this. Most of the reasons are harmless and just annoying for the affected persons. However, the bloated belly can also be a warning sign for diseases and if it occurs frequently, a medical presentation can be useful. In most cases the bloated belly can be treated with the classical home remedies. In some cases it can also be treated with medication.

Overview of possible causes for an inflated stomach

The list of possible causes for an inflated stomach is long.

  • It is possible that too much air is absorbed via the mouth, for example through a straw or by swallowing air in some other way.
  • Gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract is also possible.
  • Certain foods can cause bloating and carbonated drinks can also promote these symptoms.
  • Blockages or intestinal obstructions are also possible causes.
  • Infectious diseases are also sometimes the reason for an inflated stomach.
  • Also in chronic inflammatory bowel disease (CED), bloating is a common occurrence.
  • Various food intolerances can also lead to flatulence.
  • In some cases the bloated abdomen is also caused by drug therapy.


Certain foods and drinks can cause increased flatulence. Some foods are generally suspected of causing these symptoms, while other foods individually cause flatulence in some people. An extensive list of possible foods can be found on the Internet.

Keeping a dietary diary can help to identify the individual causes of flatulence and thus adjust the diet. When testing certain foods, only one food should be left out at a time, otherwise it is unclear what exactly caused the flatulence.

  • Especially foods with a lot of dietary fiber, which actually count as healthy, lead to an inflated stomach.

    With the vegetable food particularly Kohl, Wirsing and sauerkraut are important causers of bloating belly pain. Frequently concerning should avoid these food.

  • Legumes such as beans, peas and lentils are also often the cause of flatulence.
  • Whole grain bread and similar products also promote the development of flatulence.
  • Another reason can be a low carbohydrate diet (low carb diet)
  • Those affected often notice complaints after drinking carbonated beverages.
  • Fatty types of meat are also suspected of causing flatulence.

Celiac disease is a disease of the immune system in the intestinal mucosa. The intestinal mucosa reacts with severe inflammation to proteins in grain.

These proteins are also called gluten. The intestinal villi degenerate and those affected are less able to absorb nutrients. Affected people usually develop symptoms such as abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, anaemia and fatty stools in childhood.

The frequent diagnosis of a gluten intolerance is only in rare cases a real coeliac disease, from which the affected persons suffer their whole life long. A closely controlled diet can alleviate the symptoms. You can also find more detailed information at

  • Coeliac condition
  • Nutrition for coeliac disease
  • Gluten intolerance

Lactose is a sugar that is found especially in dairy products.

Due to their development, all babies normally tolerate lactose and can process this sugar further. The norm variant is that this ability is later lost because it is not natural for adults to consume dairy products. In Asia, therefore, almost all adults are lactose intolerant and it is not a disease.

However, due to the climate, the consumption of dairy products as part of the diet has been shown to be beneficial in Europe over the centuries and most Europeans can therefore break down lactose even in adulthood. We therefore consider lactose intolerance as a disease. Since lactose cannot be digested, the milk products accumulate in the intestines and lead to flatulence and diarrhoea.

Avoiding foods containing lactose can lead to complete freedom from symptoms.The normal household sugar is composed of glucose and fructose, so almost all sweetened foods contain fructose. In the mild form of fructose intolerance, the sugar cannot be utilized at all and those affected develop flatulence and abdominal cramps. Dextrose can be used as a substitute for fructose, as it consists only of glucose. The severe form of fructose intolerance often leads to serious illnesses and mental retardation already in infancy, as fructose is absorbed and utilized, but the intermediate products can accumulate in the body during decomposition.