Causes of dyslexia

Synonyms in a broader sense

Dyslexia, dyslexia, dyslexia isolated or circumscribed dyslexia, dyslexia, dyslexia, dyslexia, dyslexia, dyslexia, dyslexia.

Common typing errors

Legastenia, Dyslexi


Dyslexia is similar to other learning problems. There is not THE ONE cause that can be held responsible for the development of the problem. The causes for the development of dyslexia are manifold and must be determined in each individual case.

In the course of dyslexia research, many causes have been discussed and in some cases rejected. Today, it is assumed that with regard to partial dyslexia, which only affects some of the children, the problems in the We would like to refer here once again to the conceptual distinction between the two areas: Dyslexia and LRS. While the LRS (= literacy and spelling weakness) includes all children with problems in the written language area, the term “dyslexia” only covers those children with normal to above-average intelligence who exclusively have problems in the area of Independent of the conceptual distinction, all children need targeted and individually appropriate support, regardless of the causes.

Social causes

Causes in the family

Especially after the Second World War and into the 1970s, the causes were sought primarily in the area of social origin and education. This was also connected to the research results in the USA, which attached great importance to heredity. Studies by Renate Valtin in the 1970s, who investigated the causes with regard to the development of dyslexia, showed that although there is a connection between the accompanying factors of the domestic environment such as:, these are reinforcing factors rather than areas of cause. This finding is comparable to the causal research in the field of attention deficit syndrome: the educational style alone is not causally responsible for the development of the syndrome, but it can amplify the factors and possibly make therapy more difficult.

  • The social background,
  • The income,
  • The living situation (no room of your own)
  • Learning by example is made more difficult because parents themselves read little or not at all,
  • School and success in learning is taken less important, because you have experienced it yourself
  • The general support for learning