Causes of eczema | Eczema on the glans

Causes of eczema

If eczema occurs on the glans, it can have several causes, which can be roughly divided into infectious and non-infectious causes. Non-infectious acorn eczema is often caused by a wrong and excessive hygiene routine. The use of unsuitable cosmetics and strong rubbing can irritate the glans and cause eczema.

However, neglecting hygiene can also lead to acorn eczema. Finally, eczema can also be caused by mechanical irritation or by contact allergies such as to latex (e.g. in condoms). Acorn eczema can also be infectious, i.e. caused by pathogens.

Often bacteria are involved here, which can penetrate through small skin cracks and provoke an inflammation. Fungi such as the yeast fungus Candida albicans can also lead to eczema on the glans. Finally, there are also sexually transmitted diseases which can be the cause of the disease.

These include, for example, human papilloma viruses (HPV), which can lead to cervical cancer in women and have become known since the introduction of vaccination against them. Since infection with the HP viruses can also lead to cancer of the penis in men, the vaccination has also been recommended for men since 2018. Finally, a seemingly harmless eczema on the glans can also be a sign of a tumor disease, so it is strongly recommended to show a longer existing, not healing eczema to your doctor, so that he can exclude serious causes.

Associated symptoms

Eczema on the glans often shows itself not only by a reddening of the skin. The sore spot can be accompanied by severe itching and pain. Vesicles may form, which moisten; depending on the cause, pus may also emerge.

If it is an infected eczema, holistic symptoms such as fatigue and fever can also occur. The lymph nodes, especially in the groin area, can be swollen and painful. If the urethra is also affected by the infection, it can lead to a painful, frequent urge to urinate. If, however, the cancer is in the early stages, the eczema may be completely symptom-free, so it is always advisable to consult a doctor!