Causes of shingles


Shingles is a sequelae of the disease “chickenpox“, which often occurs in childhood. Shingles does not necessarily always occur, but can also be caused by immunodeficiency or stress, as well as other causes. This leads to reactivation of the varicella zoster virus and thus to skin reactions and other symptoms.

The basic cause for the development of shingles is the varicella zoster virus. The virus belongs to the group of herpes viruses and is also known as human herpes virus type 3 (HHV-3). The Varicella Zoster Virus is relatively closely related to the Herpes Simplex Virus, but there is no cross-immunity.

If a person comes into contact with this virus for the first time, usually during childhood, the disease “chickenpox” is triggered. After the symptoms have subsided, the virus migrates along the nerve fibres to special nerve nodes. These are located primarily on the spinal column and are known as spinal ganglia.

Other nerve nodes (ganglia) are located in the brain. The virus remains in these nerve nodes, in the brain or at the spinal column, and can settle there for life. In most cases, this does not cause disease.

Some circumstances, such as a lot of stress, a weakened immune system or a chronic illness can support the reactivation of the virus. However, the exact causes for reactivation have not yet been clarified. It is noticeable, however, that especially people with a severely disturbed immune system, cancer or HIV infection suffer from shingles much more frequently.

Some drugs that suppress the immune system, such as TNF- alpha-blockers, can also support a reactivation of the virus. Strong sunlight (UV light) and a genetic predisposition are also discussed as causes. Once the virus has been activated in the ganglia, it begins to multiply and causes an inflammation in the affected nerve tissue.

This leads to the belt-like spread of vesicles and redness along the skin, which is supplied by the affected nerve cord. The inflammation of the nerve tissue also causes severe pain, often the first symptom. In summary, this means that the cause of shingles is always a previous infection with the varicella zoster virus and an associated chickenpox disease.

  • Course of shingles
  • Zostavax® vaccination against shingles