Causes | Physiotherapy for finger joint arthrosis


In contrast to arthrosis of other joints, arthrosis of the finger joint is not only caused by overloading, but rather by a hormonal change. For this reason, it is mainly women who are affected by arthrosis of the finger joint and are also after or during the menopause. Injuries to the capsule or fractures of the fingers can also promote arthrosis. Long-term strain on the fingers, such as when playing the piano or violin, knitting, embroidering or other manual work, working on a keyboard or in the area of massage therapy can promote arthrosis in the finger joints.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies are available to support physical and physiotherapeutic therapy and to supplement the patient’s own therapy. Since there is usually a lack of electrolytes or other substances in the body, which can accelerate joint wear, they can be counteracted with the appropriate globules. It should be noted, however, that these globules cannot heal the arthrosis, but only have a supportive effect to prevent a worsening and contribute to a healthy organism. The advantage of these substances is also that they can be taken in larger quantities and more frequently and, compared to pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory drugs, have no side effects and, above all, are gentler on the stomach. Which globules should be taken is decided by an alternative practitioner, who has found out the deficiency through specific examination steps.

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In order not to fall back each time to pain means house means offer themselves. The effect of the remedies is different for each person affected and should be tested by each person himself.

  • In the acute phase of inflammation, the inflammation can be removed from the joint with curd, cabbage or healing earth wraps. These compresses remain on the fingers for several hours and usually have a cooling effect.
  • Ointments such as Arnica, Retterspitz, Voltaren or Horse Ointment are frequently used and some also have a cooling effect.
  • The Tiger Balm or other warming ointments are particularly effective for painful musculature in the area of the forearm due to overloading.