Causes | Postural deficiency


The main symptom of a postural deficiency is initially the optical image. The body appears to be sunk in. If an active straightening is still possible, it cannot be maintained for a long time or during additional strain.

Muscles shorten and tense. The result is back pain, restricted movement, reduced function, reduced resilience and endurance. False postures such as a hunchback (excessive curvature of the thoracic spine), a hollow back (excessive protrusion of the lumbar spine) or scoliotic malpositions (lateral curvature of the spine) occur. Malpositions can also affect the organs if they are constricted by the bony framework or if the fascial tension changes.


Poor posture is difficult to measure because “posture” is not static and is difficult to measure objectively. However, reference points can be viewed in relation to each other, and a visual inspection will detect a deviation from the posture standard. Imaging procedures such as X-rays or surface measurements reveal bony malpositions, which can also be measured by various methods. Force tests or the posture test according to Matthias can be performed to substantiate the diagnosis.

Exercises for postural weaknesses in children

In order to treat a postural deficiency in children, it is important to convey the fun of movement and the exercises. With a Pezzi ball, exercises can be carried out in a playful way, which the child likes to do and maintains. 1) To warm up, for example, a cowboy hunt can be performed on the ball.

The group sits together in a circle, the teacher/therapist tells a story while appropriate movements are performed. By rhythmically bobbing up and down a riding movement is imitated and the intervertebral discs are physiologically loaded and relieved. 2) Now various elements can be incorporated, such as jumping up and swinging a lasso, riding faster and following a cow, suddenly braking, bending down to pick something up, etc. Then, also on the ball, various stabilization exercises can be performed. More exercises with the Pezzi ball can be found in the article Balance