Causes | Upper abdominal pain during pregnancy


Pain in the upper abdomen, which develops during pregnancy, can have various causes. Very often, upper abdominal pain is pressure-related pain triggered by the child. The growing child takes up space and thus shifts the mother’s organs, which adapt quickly to the new situation, but can also hurt.

During pregnancy, flatulence, which also provides air in the lower abdomen, is actually quite common. However, the bloated intestinal loops can push upwards and thus also cause pain in the upper abdomen. Organs in the upper abdomen that can cause pain include the gallbladder and pancreas.

An inflammation of the pancreas during pregnancy is rather rare. Gall bladder stones are somewhat more common. Often the presence of a gallstone is already known.

During pregnancy, the altered pressure conditions can also cause the stone to mobilize, which would then lead to colicky pain in the upper abdomen. Gastritis can also cause pain in the upper abdomen. During pregnancy, reflux disease (heartburn) is also common.Here, too, the different pressure and positional conditions caused by the child are responsible.

If an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach is behind the upper abdominal pain, an attempt should first be made to let the stomach heal by means of a fat-free and gentle diet. Drinking calming teas or still water and eating nonflatulent foods should also help to relieve the gastrointestinal tract. If the cause of upper abdominal pain is not clear, an ultrasound examination of the abdomen should always be performed.

Upper abdominal pain during pregnancy is rarely serious or even dangerous. Often, general measures such as placing a hot water bottle on the abdomen can help. However, if the pain does not disappear through general treatment, a doctor should always be consulted.

It should also be considered how severe the upper abdominal pain is. Very severe, never before experienced abdominal pain should be promptly presented to a doctor. With increasing pregnancy, the incidence and occurrence of upper abdominal pain also increases. In most cases, however, the cause is harmless and the complaints decrease after only a few hours.