Caution when taking iodine preparations | Iodide

Caution when taking iodine preparations

Before starting to take an iodine preparation, it should be examined whether there is hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland). This can be done with a simple blood sample. It should also be checked whether there is a nodular goiter, as in individual cases the use of iodine can lead to hyperthyroidism.

If a hypersensitivity reaction to iodine is assumed, cautious action is required. A hypersensitivity reaction to a food containing iodine or an iodine-containing X-ray contrast medium in the past is usually not triggered by the iodine content, but by other components. If, however, a reaction to a drug containing iodine has occurred in the form of vascular inflammation (urticaria vasculitis/hypocomplementary vasculitis) or chronic skin inflammation (dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring), the intake of iodine should be avoided, since high doses of iodine can worsen the underlying diseases. For further important information on this topic we recommend our page on: Iodine allergy – What you should consider

Adverse drug reactions

When taking iodide to prevent iodine deficiency struma, no adverse drug side effects are to be expected in any age group. Even when treating iodine-deficiency trauma, no side effects should normally occur in children, adolescents and adults. Rarely can a manifestation of a thyroid gland hyperthyroidism occur in the presence of larger uncontrolled hormone forming areas in the thyroid gland and a daily yodine intake of more than 150 μg.

When taking 300 to a maximum of 1,000 μg per day for the treatment of thyroid enlargement in adults, iodine-induced hyperthyroidism may occur in individual cases. This adverse drug reaction occurs mainly in older patients who have been suffering from an enlargement of the thyroid for a long time.Hypersensitivity (allergy) to iodide can cause headaches, fever, itching and burning eyes, irritable cough, diarrhea and a skin rash. In this case, you should talk to the doctor treating you to stop taking the tablets. If you experience an adverse drug reaction as described above, please inform your doctor so that he can decide on further action. You should also inform your doctor about any adverse drug reactions that have not yet been described.