Change Behavior: More Success in Life

Changing habitual behaviors is not easy; it requires honest and self-critical perception. This means paying sensitive attention to the reactions and actions of others to determine where behavioral changes become necessary. It is necessary to compare self-image and the image of others, to ask how one sees oneself and how one is seen by others. Changing behavior begins with analyzing which behaviors lead to the goal and which lead away from or block the goal.

Behavior Change

Behavior change is a continuous work on yourself. Develop your own personality. This is a challenge, but every challenge develops your personality at the same time. Unfortunately, two stumbling blocks often inhibit this successful development the words “if” and “but”.

Remember that the risk of not doing something is just as great as the risk of doing it. That’s why the two important words to successful development are “I can”: if you believe in great things, you can make great things happen. Tune your behavior to what you want to bring about. Start now to change your thoughts and thus your behavior so that you achieve the best possible for you. Set out now to walk the six steps of sustainable behavior change.

What do you really want?

The first stage will be your most important step. Fix your goal that you want to achieve. Examine very carefully what your goal is.

For example, do you want to be a good father? What are you doing for yourself so that you enjoy this task? Ask yourself if you want to face the growing pressure. Take time to do a thorough analysis. Check your goal with the following questions:

  • Do I really want it?
  • Is it exactly what I want?
  • Why do I want it?
  • Why is it so important to me?

I am always amazed at how many people tell me what they do not want, how it should not be and what does not work. But to achieve anything in life, you have to focus on what you want – not what you don’t want. The more precisely and clearly you have your goal in mind, the more confidently you will be able to head for it.

Always keep in mind that if you imagine something you don’t want, you will have a negative image in front of you. This negative image affects your state and therefore your behavior. For your goal setting, create positive images that reflect your goal that you can fixate on and strive for.