Changes in nails due to iron deficiency | Consequences of iron deficiency

Changes in nails due to iron deficiency

Iron is involved in a number of metabolic processes and thus in the regeneration and growth of cells. Especially the fingernails are exposed to great stress in everyday life. If the cells are not sufficiently supplied with iron, the cells cannot renew themselves as quickly.

The nails become brittle and break off or split. Unsightly grooves and white spots can also form. However, changes in fingernails can also be the cause of magnesium or calcium deficiency and are rather unspecific symptoms of iron deficiency. However, if additional fatigue or reduced performance occurs, blood tests should be arranged.

Cracked corners of the mouth with iron deficiency

Cracked corners of the mouth so-called mouth cornerrhagades can indicate an iron deficiency. Here iron plays an important role in metabolic processes. Iron promotes the regeneration of the skin.

If the skin barrier is not intact, it dries out, becomes thin and enters the mouth, for example at the corner of the mouth. The small cracks are usually very painful and slightly reddened due to local inflammatory reactions. Corner of the mouth rashes can also have a number of other causes, such as diabetes, vitamin deficiency or herpes. Here too, attention must be paid to other symptoms associated with iron deficiency.

Hair loss due to iron deficiency

Due to slow cell growth and regeneration, not only the fingernails and skin but also the hair becomes brittle, dull and brittle. Long-term iron deficiency can be accompanied by hair loss. The cells of the hair root divide very quickly and are dependent on an optimal supply of nutrients and trace elements. If this is not the case, the hair roots die and the affected hair falls out.