Changes in the shape of the spine | Spinal diseases

Changes in the shape of the spine

Scoliosis is a deformation of the spine to the side. In addition to the bending, there is also a twisting of vertebral bodies. If the spinal column is still in the growth phase, the deformation can become severely worse within a very short time.

If the scoliosis is mild, treatment is sometimes not necessary, but if it is more severe, it should be treated to minimize the damage to health. The so-called Morus Forestier is characterized by ossification and proliferation of the vertebral bodies. In the long run, these new ossifications even bridge the intervertebral disc spaces, so that it comes to increasing movement restrictions and stiffening.

Although no real cause of the disease is known, an above-average number of patients with metabolic diseases such as gout or diabetes mellitus also suffer from Forestier’s disease. Scheuermann’s disease is the most frequent spinal column change in the growth phase, which mostly affects the thoracic spine. The disease is characterized by growth disorders of the cervical bodies, which cause changes in the oscillation of the spinal column. Typically, the disease begins at puberty and comes to a halt in young adulthood.

Spinal column injuries due to fractures

A vertebral fracture is a fracture of a vertebral body of the spine. The fracture can be either traumatic due to an accident or caused by osteoporosis. In the worst case, the fracture can lead to injuries to the spinal cord.

Pain in the spine

Pain in the spine is a very common problem that plagues many people throughout their lives. In principle, the pain can occur along the entire length of the spine, but in some areas it seems to be preferred. The accompanying symptoms and limitations caused by the pain also vary with the location of the pain.

If the cervical spine is affected by pain, this represents a severe limitation in everyday life. Rotations, flexions and stretching of the cervical spine take place permanently. The neck has an extremely high degree of mobility and every time you look around, the cervical spine also moves unconsciously.

In case of pain, all these movements are restricted and the neck may need to be stabilized with a cervical collar. If the cervical spine is affected by nerves, the pain can radiate along the course of the nerves into the arms and fingers. By far the most common area affected by spinal pain is the lumbar spine.

It is a common site of chronic low back pain, which can be triggered by a variety of causes. It can be caused by herniated discs, ISG blockages, degenerative changes and many other diseases. The pain can be transmitted to the buttocks, legs and toes if nerves are involved. Especially heavy lifting, general lack of movement and muscle weakness are to be blamed for the frequent pain in the lumbar region.