Changes of the nipples during pregnancy | Breast changes during pregnancy

Changes of the nipples during pregnancy

The nipples and areolas also change during pregnancy, but differently from woman to woman. Especially in the first weeks of pregnancy they can itch, prickle, burn and be very sensitive to touch, just like the entire breast. Small cracks may occur due to the rapid growth.

Fragrance-free, skin-friendly products and possibly lightly moisturizing creams help against the various complaints.From the first trimester of pregnancy, nipples and atria may become larger and darker in preparation for future breastfeeding and the nipples may become slightly erect. The small nodules around the areola are also called Montgomery glands. These are sebaceous and sweat glands that prevent the nipples from drying out and at the same time create a connection between the mother’s nipples and the baby’s lips during breastfeeding.

Some women have so-called flat nipples or hollow nipples. Flat nipples do not stand out from the rest of the breast tissue. In the case of hollow or inverted nipples, the nipples face inwards and appear inverted.

Even women with flat or hollow nipples can breastfeed, either by having the baby pull the nipple out with the mouth or by stimulating the nipple with suitable aids and thus preparing it for breastfeeding. In either case, the expectant mother can contact a breastfeeding consultation if she has any questions and receive appropriate advice and support.