Chest pain on the right


Pain in the chest area on the right side usually occurs much less frequently than on the left side. On the left side is the heart, which often causes pain due to chronic or acute diseases. On the right side, on the other hand, there are parts of the lungs, vessels and parts of the diaphragm. But pain can also radiate from the left side and is supposed to be assigned to the right half of the chest.


Chest pain in the right half of the body can have various causes. Some of them can be harmless, others can be an indication of a serious illness. One possible cause may be an overacidified stomach, which causes the affected person to develop heartburn.

In an acidic stomach, the cells in the mucous membrane of the stomach produce too much acid. The acid finally reaches the oesophagus through constant belching. This reflux can be very unpleasant and cause pain.

This pain can radiate from the breastbone into the right and left half of the breast. The reflux of stomach acid is easier when lying down. Therefore, the affected persons have stronger pain especially at night and in the morning.

Lying down with a raised upper body often provides relief. Sudden pain in the right breast can be caused by blocked vertebrae, contusions and rib fractures. While bruises and rib fractures are usually caused by an accident, a blockage of a vertebral body can also develop gradually and cause pain only in an advanced stage.

Muscle and nerve cords are irritated. Blockages of one or more vertebrae can lead to a severe restriction of movement and cause corresponding pain, which can then radiate into the thorax. Infectious diseases such as shingles (herpes zoster) can also cause symptoms such as chest pain.

This is a viral disease that is accompanied by a painful belt-shaped rash on the back. This rash is especially caused by stress and a weakened immune system and can lead to severe symptoms. The gall bladder and pancreas are located under the diaphragm.

Acute inflammation or even chronic illness can cause chest pain, so that the pain can also spread upwards. The same symptomatology can be triggered by stuck gallstones. Diaphragmatic hernias can also cause pain in the chest area.

In this case, abdominal organs shift into the chest cavity through muscle gaps in the diaphragm. Excessive pressure in the abdominal cavity causes them to push through the gaps. Parts of the organs can thus become jammed and in the worst case, the blood supply can be reduced.

They can also be painful and should be treated. In addition, pneumonia may be present, which causes pain especially when inhaled and coughing. Pneumonia, which eventually spreads further, can also affect the lung membrane.

The lung skin (pleura) is very sensitive and accordingly, inflammation and injuries can cause severe pain. The pain is mostly of a stabbing character and is also motion-dependent. A pulmonary embolism is also possible.

In this case a blood clot is released and blocks a vessel in the lung. The consequences are sudden stabbing pain, shortness of breath and possibly unconsciousness. Pain in the right half of the chest if the cause is unclear should always be examined more closely by a doctor.

The gallbladder is a small organ filled with bile, which lies on the lower edge of the liver in the right upper abdomen. In the case of an inflammation of the gall bladder, pain can develop there. This is due to the inflammation of the gallbladder itself and the bile ducts. Cramping of the smooth muscles in the bile ducts and the gall bladder can also cause this pain. Typically, the pain is felt at the lower edge of the right costal arch, but it can radiate to the right shoulder and therefore also cause very general chest pain on the right.