Chest pain | The male breast

Chest pain

Breast pain in men is often caused by swelling of the breast. Technically, this is also referred to as gynecomastia. However, this does not always have to be accompanied by pain or feelings of tension.

A distinction is made between a natural and a pathological form of gynecomastia. The so-called “man’s breast” is now a quite well-known and widespread phenomenon. It is a problem especially for young adolescents, as it is often used as a basis for “bullying” among teenagers.

The basis for a gynecomastia is based on the hormone estrogen, which is also produced in small amounts in men. However, this hormone also stimulates the mammary gland and leads to growth. A painful swelling of the breast can also be caused by medication or hormone treatment with testosterone.

Drugs that can trigger gynecomastia include highly active antiretroviral therapies for HIV infections. Also the sedative diazepam or certain antibiotics. In addition, cardiac medications such as digitalis preparations or calcium antagonists are considered risk factors.

Intoxicants such as alcohol, amphetamines, marijuana and heroin are also considered triggers. Furthermore, it remains to be said that chest pain or painful breasts are often difficult to differentiate from each other. Examples are Tietze syndrome – a swelling at the base of the 2nd and 3rd ribs of the breastbone -, changes in the thoracic or cervical spine, pleurisy or pneumonia, serious heart problems such as angina pectoris, heart attack/cardiac arrhythmia, diseases of the thyroid gland, as well as of the aorta, the esophagus, the stomach, and many others.

Male breast lift

A male breast lift is usually achieved by liposuction, if it is a “fake” gynecomastia, i.e. pure fat accumulation in obese patients. This is usually a minor surgical procedure in which fat cells under the skin are suctioned out with fine cannulas. “Real” gynecomastia, on the other hand, should be treated by surgical removal of the glands.

Plastic surgery offers various reduction plasties for pronounced findings of gynecomastia and lipomastia as well as a possible flaccidity. A very sensible alternative to counteract sagging connective tissue of the breast is targeted breast training in the form of strength training. Push-ups and pressing the breast with dumbbells have proven to be particularly effective.

Push-ups train both the upper and lower chest muscles. Nutrition is also a decisive factor. It has been scientifically proven several times that the intake of toxins in the form of smoking has negative effects on tissue elasticity.

This is because the harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke inhibit the release of the structural protein elastin, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and connective tissue, among other things. In addition, the inhibition of the protein is not only noticeable on the breast, but on the skin of the entire body. The aging process of the skin is accelerated.

In addition to these factors, it is also possible to use natural cosmetics to help. The main effect is protection against UV rays, which cause the release of so-called “free radicals”. These cause damage to the connective tissue, which leads to loss of elasticity.