Chia Seeds: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Chia seeds is a food already familiar to the Maya and Aztecs. The small seeds have multiples of important nutrients and antioxidants. Chia seeds offer a rich variety of recipes and applications. Salvia Hispanica is from the labiates family.

Occurrence and cultivation of chia seeds

Chia seeds are gluten-free and contain more omega-3s than salmon, more antioxidants than oranges, more iron than spinach, more calcium than whole milk, more magnesium than broccoli and more fiber than flaxseed. The valuable Chia seeds come from Mexico and Central and South America. Chia comes from the Mayan language and means starch. Even in Mayan times, Chia seeds were considered a source of energy and were also an important staple food. Even in Mayan times, Chia seed was considered a power food that was easy to transport and has an almost unlimited shelf life. It also provides lasting satiety while providing energy and strength. In fact, chia seeds provide above-average vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and antioxidants. Chia seeds are gluten-free and contain more omega-3 than salmon, more antioxidants than oranges, more iron than spinach, more calcium than whole milk, more magnesium than broccoli and more fiber than flaxseed. In addition, chia seeds also provide vitamins A and B, potassium, boron, folic acid, zinc and important amino acids. A daily serving of chia seeds of 25 grams of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) provides 25 percent copper, 20 percent magnesium, 26 percent fiber, 308 percent omega 3, 14 percent calcium, 11 percent phosphorus, 29 percent vitamin E, eight percent zinc, seven percent vitamin B8, 11 percent manganese, 13 percent iron, five percent vitamin A, and 18 percent vitamin B3.

Effect and application

Chia seed has many health benefits with its intake and contributes to a healthy lifestyle. Thus, the seeds regulate blood pressure, as well as blood lipid levels and blood clotting. The mental performance is promoted by a better brain blood circulation and an increased serotonin level, furthermore, depression is prevented by the intake of Chia seeds. Due to the long feeling of satiety caused by the supplied dietary fiber, the formation of bile acid is stimulated and thus the cholesterol level in the blood is lowered. Furthermore, dietary fiber slows down the breakdown of carbohydrates, which reduces cravings and hypoglycemia. In addition, liver fat levels are lowered and one feels less appetite due to the increased protein intake. The body is detoxified, the nervous system is strengthened and skin as well as connective tissue improve by taking Chia seeds. The positive and versatile effect of Chia seeds is also proven by its versatile application and effect. In general, the intake of Chia raw is recommended, as cooking destroys many important vital substances or can form substances that may not be beneficial to health. One should definitely make sure to drink enough, because chia seeds bind liquid. When Chia seeds are soaked in liquids such as water, a jelly-like mass is formed that can be further processed in a wide variety of recipes. However, it should be taken into account that the daily intake of chia seeds is based on a maximum dosage. In Europe, the recommendation for Chia seeds is 15 grams per day, which corresponds to about one tablespoon. However, it should be safe for health to take up to 30 grams a day of chia seed. Chia seeds are simply sprinkled over muesli, bread toppings, yogurt or dishes. In addition, chia seeds can furthermore be added when preparing smoothies, puddings and other recipes as well, depending on your taste and willingness to experiment. Sometimes, excessive consumption of chia seeds can cause skin rashes, hives or watery eyes. Due to the blood pressure lowering effect, there is a risk to health when taking blood thinners at the same time. Diarrhea, vomiting, digestive and respiratory problems as well as flatulence and tongue swelling are very rare and could possibly be an allergic reaction in case of overdose. In case of problems that occur after consuming chia seeds, a doctor should be consulted in any case.

Importance for health, treatment and prevention.

Versatile in use, versatile in fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, Chia seed optimally supports the development of muscle mass and strengthens the heart muscles in addition to the visible normal muscles. Chia seeds have a positive effect base on the stomach and the entire digestive tract. They strengthen cooking, cartilage, connective tissue and teeth. Chia seeds strengthen the immune system and optimally supply the body with essential vitamins and niacin for liver and nerves. Chia seeds also promote mental health. The high content of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids has a positive effect on muscles, prevents their formation and supports the healing of inflammatory processes. Chia seed supports weight loss activities through a faster feeling of satiety, reduced food intake, as well as drainage. Chia seeds have a positive effect on blood sugar levels and increase endurance, which is ideal for people who are active in sports. Furthermore, Chia seeds have a detoxifying effect, they strengthen the heart and also protect against skin aging. During breastfeeding and pregnancy, Chia seeds help to build healthy tissue and improve wound healing. In general, chia seeds support the building of bone tissue and blood clotting. The risk of heart attack is reduced by improving blood circulation. In addition to lowering cholesterol levels, chia seeds have been shown to be very effective for many ailments such as heartburn, osteoarthritis, joint pain. Irritable bowel syndrome or diabetes and gluten intolerance. In irritable bowel syndrome, Chia seeds have a positive and balancing effect on intestinal function. Chia seeds can also usefully supplement the diet and alleviate symptoms in thyroid disorders.