Child has twisted his foot | Foot twisted – What to do?

Child has twisted his foot

When jumping off the playground equipment, playing in the schoolyard or in sports lessons, it happens quickly. Ankle joint injuries are among the most common injuries in childhood and adolescence. In principle, the same bony structures, ligaments and nerves can be damaged as in adults.Swelling and pain of the injured limb should always be taken seriously in the child and presented to a pediatrician or orthopedic surgeon.

Children are not always able to give precise information about the type of pain or the cause of the accident. This makes it all the more important that the injury is examined and assessed by experienced medical personnel. Fractures of the growing bone in particular, if overlooked or not properly treated, can cause late damage such as chronic pain or malpositioning.

This is particularly problematic if the fracture affects the growth plate. In the area of the ankle joint, physicians use the Salter and Harris classification to assess the extent of the injury to the growth plate and design the therapy accordingly. Although X-ray technology is used sparingly in pediatrics because of the radiation exposure, the physician will use the imaging procedure here to prevent late damage.

Pain and swelling of an injured foot in children must therefore always be examined by a physician. In the context of pain therapy, the same means are available as for adults. Immobilization, cooling, compression and elevation help to contain the symptoms. Pain medication approved for children are ibuprofen and paracetamol.