Childcare Facilities Act | Day nursery

Childcare Facilities Act

The so-called Kindertagesstättengesetz defines which childcare facilities belong to daycare centers, namely crèches (up to the age of 3), kindergartens (until the child starts school), after-school care centers and daycare centers (for school children up to the age of 14), and which regulations apply there to provide optimal support for children. The development of the child is the primary goal, which should be supported and promoted together with important everyday and social skills. This is referred to as the “self-, social and learning competence” of the child.In addition, disabilities, impairments and other disadvantages must be compensated for through individual concepts and all children must be integrated equally.

Furthermore, the law specifies the areas in which support is relevant, e.g. body/health, gross and fine motor skills, speech and many more. It is also emphasized that the children are cared for holistically and in a way that is adapted to their individual level of development and interests. School education is not the task of daycare centers.

In addition, the law expressly prohibits degrading and physical punishment. The remaining sections deal with the sponsorship and operation of the facilities, which includes, for example, determining the required number of childcare places and other legal matters.