Chlamydia Test

The diagnosis of chlamydial infection used to be made in women by swabbing the urethra and cervix. New diagnostic procedures – based on molecular genetic methods – allow reliable direct detection of the pathogen DNA from urine or cervical secretions, respectively.

The pathogen

Chlamydia are bacteria that, depending on the type of bacteria, can cause various diseases:

  • Chlamydia trachomatis causes venereal disease and, in tropical and subtropical regions, trachoma – an inflammatory conjunctivitis that is one of the most common causes of blindness – and infectious reactive arthritides – these are primarily sterile joint inflammations that occur following bacterial extra-articular – outside the joint – infections.
  • Chlamydia psittaci is the causative agent of parrot diseaseornithosis – which can also be transmitted to humans. This disease is very rare and resembles pneumonia.
  • Chlamydia pneumoniae can lead to atypical pneumonia, which is an atypical pneumonia, inflammation of the sinuses – called sinusitis – and vascular inflammation – called giant cell arteritis – a link with coronary heart disease (CHD) seems likely.

Chlamydia infections are among the most common sexually transmitted diseases today. Depending on the age group, up to 10 percent of the population is infected with chlamydia. Due to the possible consequences and complications, this infection is to be taken seriously and must be treated in any case:

  • The risk of infection is especially for young people.
  • Young women are at high risk of severe abdominal inflammation – adnexitis – which can lead to adhesion of the fallopian tubes, so that pregnancy is no longer possible in the normal way – tubal sterility. Furthermore, the risk of pregnancy outside the uterus increases – so-called ectopic pregnancies: In this case, the egg nests, for example, in the fallopian tube – so-called tubaria – or in the abdominal cavity.
  • Pregnant women who have a chlamydia infection must be expected more often with an abortionmiscarriage or premature birth – or premature rupture of the amniotic sac. There is also a risk of the child becoming infected during birth. This leads to eye inflammation in the newborn, as well as – in rare cases – pneumonia.
  • Women with chlamydia infection have an increased risk of contracting the HIV virus.
  • Women with HPV infection and concurrent chlamydia infection are more likely to develop cervical cancer, meaning chlamydia infection is a cofactor – with causative factor – for cervical cancer in HPV-infected women.
  • A very rare secondary disease is Reiter’s disease, which is manifested by joint pain – here especially swollen foot and knee joints -, eye inflammation – conjunctivitis -, rash on the mucous membranes and skin and inflammation of the urinary tract – cystitis, pyelonephritis. Reiter’s disease can be caused by both chlamydial infection and intestinal infection with enterobacteria.

Infection route

The transmission of chlamydia occurs through sexual intercourse, orally or as a smear infection – also called contact infection. TheIncubation period, that is, the time from the date of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms / symptoms, is 1 to 3 weeks. Caution!People who have frequently changing partners and practice unprotected sexual intercourse are particularly at risk.


About 75 percent of women and 50 percent of men have only minor symptoms or no symptoms at all after chlamydia infection. The following symptoms may occur:

  • Women experience increased vaginal discharge, itching, and burning during urination. The infection is initially confined to the cervix uteri or the urethra. However, there is a possibility of an ascending infection into the uterine cavity – here an endometritis develops – and in the fallopian tubes – an inflammation of the fallopian tubes – adnexitis. Beyond the fallopian tubes, the entire pelvis can be involved in the inflammation, that is, there is inflammation of the peritoneum in the pelvis – called pelveoperitonitis.This severe condition is accompanied by abdominal pain and fever.
  • In men, inflammation of the urethra – so-called urethritis – is the most common symptom. Due to the swelling of the mucous membrane in the urethra, urination is difficult – at the same time there is a strong urge to urinate. Pulling pain and mucopurulent discharge, as well as itching and burning during urination are typical complaints of a chlamydia infection.

Attention. A chlamydia infection shows similar symptoms to the venereal disease gonorrhea – also called gonorrhea. However, because the treatment of these two diseases are different, it is important that a clear diagnosis is made. Since January 2008, women up to the age of 25 have been entitled to an annual chlamydia test. A corresponding recommendation has been made by the Joint Federal Committee of Doctors and Health Insurers.

Your benefit

Chlamydia diagnostics help you and your partner to detect a chlamydia infection, so that the right treatment can be carried out in time to avoid secondary damage as far as possible.