Chondrosarcoma therapy

All information given here is of general nature only, a tumor therapy always belongs in the hands of an experienced oncologist!


Since chondrosarcoma responds only slightly to radiotherapy or chemotherapy, surgical removal of the tumour is the most important therapeutic goal. The therapeutic approach – curative (curative) or palliative (relieving symptoms) – depends on the stage of the tumour disease. If there is a favourable prognosis, because the tumour is easily accessible, and there are no metastases, a curative therapy approach is given.

Here, life support has the highest priority. In many cases, arms and legs can be preserved, but in cases of doubt, a more radical surgical method will be chosen (even if this results in impairments) if this can increase the probability of survival. If the prognosis is unfavourable (distant metastases), the tumour is located on the trunk and/or the primary tumour is inoperable, palliative therapy is usually the only option.

The main focus is on maintaining the quality of life (pain relief, preservation of function). Whether or not surgical therapy is used depends on the consideration of all available information, prognosis, the patient’s wishes, physical and mental condition and many other factors. Non-operative (adjuvant) therapy:

  • Radiotherapy Chondrosarcomas are hardly sensitive to radiation.

Radiation therapy should therefore only be considered in individual cases in the event of inoperability, residual tumour and palliative therapy approach. – Chemotherapy The efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy has not yet been reliably proven. The faster the tumour grows, the earlier an effect can be expected from tumour therapy. However, the scientific proof of efficacy is still pending.

Tumor aftercare


  • In year 1 and 2: every 3 months clinical examination, local X-ray control, laboratory, thorax -CT, whole body skeleton scintigraphy, every 6 months local MRT
  • In years 3 to 5: every 6 months clinical examination, local X-ray control, laboratory, thoracic CT, whole body skeletal scintigraphy, every 12 months local MRI
  • From year 6: every 12 months clinical examination, local X-ray control, laboratory, X-ray thorax, in case of doubt whole-body skeletal scintigraphy and local MRI


The prognosis depends on the degree of differentiation of the fine tissue and the possibility of radical surgery. If the degree of differentiation is high and “radical” surgery is possible, the probability of survival for 5 years is about 90 %. Renewed tumour growth can still occur after more than 10 years.