Circles under the Eyes: Causes, Treatment & Help

Everyone has dark circles or eye rims at some point in their lives. These indicate how we are feeling. However, dark circles can also be warning signs of certain deficiencies or diseases.

What are dark circles under the eyes?

Eye circles or eye rims are mostly dark, bluish or shadowy discolored areas under the eyes. Diseases are not always disorders of the general condition responsible for dark circles under the eyes. Around the eyes, the skin is very thin and has little subcutaneous fatty tissue. Therefore, blood vessels can show through strongly. Under certain conditions, so-called dark circles or haloed eyes form, as they are also called in medical terminology. Eye circles are a dark colored or shadowy area below the eye. Sometimes dark circles appear in combination with bags under the eyes. In this case, the skin hangs down limply and may have large wrinkles.


There are numerous causes of dark circles under the eyes. First of all, they indicate the blood flow to the tissues, sometimes a skilled doctor can also estimate from the degree of discoloration to what extent the composition of the blood has changed. One of the most common reasons for dark circles is simply that they are congenital. Many people are particularly sensitive around the eyes and are therefore naturally prone to shading. Furthermore, dark circles under the eyes indicate fatigue, but also the excessive consumption of alcohol and other drugs. Circles under the eyes can also be an indication of deficiency symptoms: a test for iron deficiency, which is particularly common in women, can provide clarity. However, the lack of certain vitamins or a disorder of the melanin balance are also possible causes. Eye circles also frequently appear as the first sign of unpleasant conjunctivitis. Last but not least, dark circles are often simply a consequence of aging: the skin is sagging as muscles and cushioning fat gradually break down over the years. People with deeper-set eyes and in low-light conditions (such as fluorescent lighting) may also appear to have dark circles under their eyes, although this is not medically the case.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Gastric portal stenosis
  • Drug addiction
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Heavy metal poisoning
  • Dehydration
  • Drug allergy
  • Contact allergy
  • Nicotine addiction
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Malnutrition

Diagnosis and course

Circles under the eyes can be seen immediately. They are caused mainly by increased blood flow to the skin or by a change in the composition of the blood. A lack of oxygen, for example, makes blood appear dark, which is why you also get dark circles under your eyes when you’ve had too much alcohol or get tired. Both conditions are accompanied by a decrease in the oxygen content of the blood. Since the development of dark circles can have numerous causes, it is often difficult to make the right diagnosis. If you discover dark circles on your eyes after sitting in front of the computer for several hours without interruption or after overindulging in alcohol the night before, it should be easy to assign blame.


Eye circles (med: halo) are a common phenomenon in the general population. Eye circles do not have any disease value in themselves. They may merely indicate some diseases or conditions, such as a lack of oxygen or malnutrition. In most cases, however, they are caused by acute sleep deprivation. Thus, dark circles do not lead to serious complications. Medically, dark circles do not represent a problem that needs to be corrected. However, for those affected by dark circles, they often represent a cosmetic flaw. This is the only ‘problem’ that the dark circles bring with them. In the end, however, it must be said that in the strict sense no complications caused by dark circles are known. The well-being of the affected persons can be reduced for a short time, since the dark circles can subjectively disturb the external appearance. Normally, however, dark circles disappear again relatively quickly. It is also possible to cover the dark circles with make-up.In summary, dark circles should not be considered a medical but a purely cosmetic problem. They have neither disease value, nor can they lead to medical complications. Eye circles themselves are a harmless phenomenon, which in most cases disappear by themselves after a short time. “Cosmetic complications” can easily be covered up by applying makeup; otherwise, it is also sufficient to wait until the dark circles disappear by themselves.

When should you go to the doctor?

Often, dark circles under the eyes are a sign of overtiredness. After sufficient sleep, the skin color returned to normal. However, dark circles under the eyes can also be a harbinger of illness. Infectious diseases and colds often announce themselves in this way. In any case, the cause must be investigated. Circles under the eyes cannot really be eliminated by cosmetic aids, because make-up only covers the dark shadows. If the skin under the eyes shimmers bluish, brown or purple for more than a week, a doctor should be consulted. He or she must also examine the dark circles if the discoloration worsens. Although the skin around the eyes is very thin, so that the fine veins are easier to see than on other areas of the skin, dark shadows should not appear on a healthy person. If the dark circles do not go away even with cooling, a blood count is in order. In addition to colds, allergies and lack of fluids, kidney and thyroid disorders can also be the cause of dark circles under the eyes. They may indicate iron deficiency or be a symptom of serious liver disease. In this case, the skin under the eyes shimmers yellowish-brown. Children can also have dark circles under their eyes. They are usually the result of a gastrointestinal infection or cold. In the case of diffuse symptoms, those affected should always have themselves checked out by a doctor.

Treatment and therapy

Depending on the cause, dark circles are treated very differently. If they are genetic or a sign of aging, creams and cures with vitamin ampoules, which are massaged directly into the affected area, help. As a first aid measure, the application of a wet bag with black tea to the affected areas has proven to be effective. This is left to soak in for some time and the dark circles have disappeared or been alleviated for the time being. Ice cubes or ice packs can also help, as they cause the blood vessel capillaries under the eyes to contract. Thus, the blood-red surface is reduced. In addition, the eye area feels fresher and younger. However, the ice cubes should only be used for a short time and not directly on the eyes (hypothermia and risk of injury). Very helpful is the change to a healthier lifestyle. Affected persons should especially avoid cigarettes and alcohol, drink a lot of mineral water. A healthy diet rich in vitamins and natural foods should be a matter of course. In addition, attention should be paid to adequate sleep. A healthy adult usually needs about 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night, of which, however, the deep sleep phases are the most important. If you regularly go to bed in the early hours of the morning, you no longer dive into this sleep phase, which is also called REM phase, and consequently do not recover enough. Lack of sleep in turn results in dark circles under the eyes – a vicious circle. Otherwise, dark circles can be cosmetically corrected with special concealers and makeup. An iron or vitamin deficiency, however, can only be diagnosed with the help of a blood test. If the dark circles persist over a longer period of time and you also notice other physical complaints (for example, persistent fatigue despite sufficient sleep), this could indicate a deficiency. As soon as this is determined, tablets or injections help the body on the jumps and the eye circles disappear again. Anyone who is unsure should consult their family doctor.

Outlook and prognosis

Eye circles do not necessarily have to be caused by a disease. Thin skin or subcutaneous fatty tissue below the eye (med infraorbital), also allow blood vessels to shine through darkly. Deep-seated eye sockets can also visually create or intensify dark circles due to the shadow effect. Eye circles are usually caused by fatigue and the resulting heavy blood flow to the region under the eyes. To treat dark circles under the eyes should always use the natural method of sleep.When sleeping, the eyes are recovered and the dark circles recede. There are also various creams or eye masks that can reduce dark circles. These should be applied when there is no possibility to sleep a lot and thus make the dark circles disappear in a natural way. As a rule, the circles under the eyes are not dangerous for the body and do not cause further problems or discomfort. They can also be easily made over, which could be especially beneficial for people with a fair skin type. Eye circles are also affected by the use of digital devices with backlighting. Those who can reduce this usage will also directly reduce dark circles, as they are triggered by these devices. This includes the use of the computer. With constant use and too little sleep, dark circles will remain and not disappear on their own.


To prevent dark circles under the eyes, it is recommended to eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep and get plenty of exercise in fresh air. The latter leads to a higher oxygen content in the blood, which makes it appear brighter. Alcohol and cigarettes should be avoided as much as possible. Likewise, television and computer consumption should be limited. A cool morning facial shower also helps to look more rested.

Here’s what you can do yourself

Against dark circles under the eyes can be effectively addressed with home remedies and self-measures. First, it is recommended to remedy the dark shadows by drinking enough fluids, sleeping and eating a balanced diet with vitamins and minerals. A mineral therapy with Schüßler salts helps with major deficiency symptoms and restores the natural color of the eye rims. Moreover, excessive cigarette and alcohol consumption and grueling activities before bedtime should be avoided. In general, the body should be relieved by sufficient fresh air and exercise. Sufferers who spend a lot of time in front of a screen can reduce the discomfort by taking regular breaks and doing relaxation exercises. Local home remedies such as cucumber slices, tea bags or cold compresses cool the dark circles and promote blood circulation. Milk, rose water or fresh fig juice are also suitable for treating dark circles yourself, depending on the cause. If the dark circles are accompanied by red ears, there may be an iron deficiencysupplements and foods such as cereals and vegetables replenish the stores. If there is an allergy or intolerance, it is sufficient to avoid corresponding foods and substances. If the above measures do not show success, the cause should be clarified by a doctor.