Citalopram and alcohol | Citalopram

Citalopram and alcohol

Like many drugs, citalopram is affected by the simultaneous intake of other drugs or substances. Thus, during a treatment with citalopram, the consumption of alcohol should be avoided. On the one hand, alcohol can influence the effect of the drug and thus have negative effects on the patient, but on the other hand, citalopram can also change the effect of alcohol on the body.

It has been shown that patients who drank even a little alcohol during their Citalopranotherapy already showed stronger side effects. There was an increased incidence of symptoms that are very similar to a hangover. The patients suffered from indisposition and nausea.

Citalopram increases the sensitivity to alcohol so that even small amounts are sufficient to cause strong effects. The side effects under the influence of alcohol can vary from patient to patient.