Classification according to Kretschmer | Physique types

Classification according to Kretschmer

Also with women the three already mentioned physique types can be differentiated (ectomorphic, mesomorphic and endomorphic). Rarely can a woman clearly assign herself to a physique type, usually she tends to one of the body types, but is a mixture of several physique types.

How can I determine my physique type?

There is no universal test that can tell you with absolute certainty what physique type you belong to. Nutritionists, sports physicians and sometimes fitness trainers can probably give you the most qualified information about your physique type. On the one hand, they will evaluate your nutrition, your muscle build-up and fat accumulation on the basis of questions about your diet. On the other hand, optical characteristics as well as consideration of weight, height and joint measurements are included in the evaluation. On the Internet you can also find free tests based on the most objective answers possible to questions about your physique, eating habits or experiences in muscle building and weight gain.

Criticism of the division into physique types

The classification into different build types can give a rough overview, but hardly any characteristic that is assigned to the build types is scientifically proven. In addition, hardly any person can be clearly assigned to a physique type, which means that in the majority of cases a specific nutrition and fitness program adapted to the individual person must be created. A prerequisite for the assignment to one of the physique types is also an objective view of one’s own person or the involvement of a second, objective person, usually in the form of a nutritionist.