Cleaning of the mouth shower with home remedies | The mouth shower

Cleaning of the mouth shower with home remedies

Beside special cleaning agents for the mouth showers, which are available in drugstores and pharmacies, further some household remedies are suitable for decalcifying, disinfecting and cleaning the mouth shower. With the skin products as well as with the special cleaning agents it is very important to repeat the cleaning process several times and rinse afterwards several times with water. In this way, it is possible to avoid that residues of the cleaning agents remain in the mouth shower and later get into the body.

Among the classic proven household remedies are citric acid with lukewarm water for decalcification, dissolving denture cleaner in water, chamomile tea for disinfection or other disinfecting herbal teas. Furthermore, vinegar is a common means of choice for cleaning the mouth showers. However, it is very important not to use vinegar cleaner but normal vinegar for the preparation of food. This can also be diluted in lukewarm water and, just like the other household remedies, can be run through the mouth shower several times.

Is it possible to operate a mouthwash with mouthwash?

It is possible to fill a mouth shower with mouthwash or mouthwash and to operate it. However, many manufacturers advise against this, as the rinsing solution may be highly concentrated and can damage the device from the inside. Furthermore, many patients find an application with mouthwash aggressive and unpleasant.

However, there are also less concentrated mouthwashes that can be used in a mouthwash. There is also the possibility of diluting the mouthwash in the mouth shower with water. In this way it is not so aggressive in its application. In general, however, one should inform oneself whether the own device is capable of being used with mouthwash according to the manufacturer’s instructions.