Clogged sebaceous glands in the eye | Sebaceous gland on the eye

Clogged sebaceous glands in the eye

Blockages of individual sebaceous glands in the eye are usually not noticeable and usually disappear on their own. However, if there are persistent obstructions in the drainage of glandular secretions, this is often manifested by an inflammation of the edge of the eyelid, a so-called blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid). One differentiates between the anterior blepharitis, which affects the sebaceous glands on the eyelashes, and the posterior blepharitis, which is caused by an obstruction of the flow of the meimbom glands.

The former is characterized by oily eyelashes, a waxy appearance of the eyelid margin, scaling of the skin and itching. When the meimbom glands are displaced, a foamy, viscous and clearly thickened secretion often appears at the edge of the eyelid. Furthermore, the disturbed composition of the tear film always leads to dry eyes in the absence of the glandular secretion.

Since the protective function of the sebum is also reduced, infections of the base of the eyelashes, especially with bacteria, often occur. These infections manifest themselves by a distinct swelling of the eyelid margins as well as redness and pain. Therapeutically, if an infection with bacteria is present, treatment with antibiotics is recommended.

As a rule, antibiotically effective eye ointments are used for this purpose. Furthermore, it should be tried to keep the eyes sufficiently moist with the help of eye drops. The adhesions of the glandular exits as well as the accumulation of secretion can be treated with simple home remedies.

In the treatment of blocked sebaceous glands in the eye, the hygiene of the eyelid margin is of particular importance. A number of household remedies can be used for this purpose.Carefully brushing the edge of the eyelid with moistened cotton swabs or some baby shampoo can help to remove scales and secretions. A range of special cleaning solutions as well as low-fluff absorbent cotton pads and cleaning cloths are also available in pharmacies, which are well suited for lid edge hygiene.

In general, care should be taken to use the cotton swabs or cleaning cloths only for one contact with the eyelid at a time to prevent the spread of germs as far as possible. Furthermore, only very light contact should be used and rubbing the eyelid should be avoided to avoid further irritation of the already very sensitive skin. In addition to the hygienic measures, heat applications can help to support the emptying of the glandular ducts and to reduce swelling of the eyelid.

Warm compresses as well as red light lamps or special thermal goggles are particularly suitable for this purpose. If you are more interested in this topic, various homeopathic medicines can also be used to treat inflammation of the eyelid margins caused by blocked sebaceous glands. However, this should only be used as a supplement to eyelid margin hygiene measures.

Furthermore, in the case of an infection with bacteria, homeopathic remedies cannot replace treatment with antibiotics. Homeopathic remedies are usually available in the form of eye drops and contain Belladonna, Euphrasia and Mercurius. Since these also have side effects könnenб should always be carefully checked for possible exclusion criteria before using the preparations. Consultation with a physician is recommended.