Clove Tree

The tree is originally from Southeast Asia, more precisely the Moluccas and southern Philippines. Today, it is cultivated in many tropical countries, such as Zanzibar and Madagascar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and South America.

The dried flower buds (Caryophylli flos) or the essential oil extracted from them (Caryphylli aetheroleum) are used as the drug.

Characteristics of the clove tree

The clove tree is a tropical evergreen tree that grows up to 20 m high and bears single shiny, entire-edged leaves. The white flowers grow in trifoliate umbels.

Features of cloves

The dried flower buds are brown and about 12-17 mm long. They consist of the so-called hypanthium (lower calyx), which is up to 4 mm thick, and the four lighter petals that are perched on top. The hypanthium merges at the top into four coarse calyx lobes, on which the petals sit like a hood. Under the hood are many small stamens. If you nick cloves with your fingernail, essential oil will come out.

The smell of cloves is very aromatic. Cloves taste spicy and slightly burning.