Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum)

Myrtle plants

Plant description

The tree is native to the Philippines and is cultivated there as well as in Malaysia and East Africa. A slender tree that can grow up to 20 m high and contains aromatic smelling essential oil in all parts. Young trees are pyramid-shaped, the leaves leathery, ovoid and 5 to 15 cm long, with entire margins and arranged in opposite directions.

The flowers are terminal, yellowish-white with a red calyx. The flower buds and the oil extracted from them. One harvests the fully developed, but still closed flowers and air dries them.

Depending on their origin, they are classified as Zanzibar cloves, Pennang cloves, etc. and also differ in quality. The leaves and bark are also used to obtain the essential oil. Ingredients: Essential oil (eugenol), tannins, flavonoids

Curative effects and application

The essential oil of the plant has an antibacterial, disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. The tincture is used as a disinfectant for inflammations of the mouth and throat. It is also often a component of lemon balm spirit or a general appetite-stimulating tonic.

Of course, cloves are also a widespread and popular spice in the kitchen. Side effects are not to be expected with normal dosage. Overdosage causes skin irritation and allergic reactions have also been observed.