Coccyx contusion | Pain in the coccyx

Coccyx contusion

If the coccyx is bruised, pain primarily occurs in the area, which can radiate over a wide area. Finding a pain-free posture is often a challenge for those affected, since a certain amount of pressure is exerted on the coccyx, which is now sensitive to pain, both when sitting and, in some cases, lying down. Furthermore, swelling and bruising can occur in the area if the coccyx is bruised.

The coccyx is usually bruised by falling directly onto the buttocks or by external force. The coccyx does not break, but the surrounding soft tissue is injured to such an extent that fluid retention and bruising develop. The swelling caused by the bruised coccyx causes severe pain, since the supplying nerve plexus is irritated.

Since the coccyx is surrounded by comparatively little fatty tissue, it is correspondingly less protected by it in the event of falls or violent impact and is therefore more susceptible to all kinds of injuries. The symptoms that arise when the coccyx is bruised can often be confused with more serious injuries, such as a coccyx sprain or a coccyx fracture. Since the further treatments of the individual injury patterns differ considerably, it is important to rule out a fracture or compression.

This is done by means of an imaging procedure, such as an x-ray, because usually no difference can be seen from the outside. In the case of a bruised coccyx, it is advisable to cool the affected area and not to put excessive strain on it. A painkiller can additionally relieve the pain for a certain period of time. Nevertheless, it is advantageous to check the coccyx and the surrounding tissue regularly to see how the bruise and the stored fluid develop and, if necessary, to remove them surgically.

Prognosis and prophylaxis

In most cases the symptoms improve very quickly. In order to avoid chronic pain, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible in the case of prolonged pain in order to initiate the appropriate therapy. However, there is no special prophylaxis.If patients are prone to coccyx pain, an appropriate seat cushion for sedentary activities can prevent the pain from becoming chronic.

In order to be able to detect and treat inflammatory processes or cancer at an early stage, any pain that occurs should always be reported to a doctor at an early stage. In principle, however, it should be noted that monotonous movements that lead to permanent stress on a certain anatomical structure of the coccyx region are in many cases involved in the development of pain in the coccyx. The fact is that most people simply sit too much.

During office work and/or in front of the television in the evening. The majority of people have a pronounced lack of movement. This is a serious behavioral problem that promotes a number of diseases.

In addition to diseases such as obesity, diabetes and vascular changes, the bony structures and joints in particular suffer from the lack of movement. In the case of the coccyx, this can even become extremely painful. Even in the case of pain in the coccyx caused by trauma, only early treatment to prevent chronic coccygodynia (pain in the coccyx) can help.

Especially the application of pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory ointments can contribute to quick pain relief and reduce the risk of chronification. If the woman is planning to have children, she can prevent pain in the coccyx even before pregnancy by means of targeted pelvic floor training. Stretching the tendons and strengthening the muscles in the area of the pelvic floor is an effective measure of pain prevention. In rare cases, the pain in the coccyx can also be triggered by purely psychological causes. For this reason, after the exclusion of an anatomical or pathological cause, a psychotherapist must be consulted urgently.