Coconut Blossom Sugar


Coconut blossom sugar is available in grocery stores and specialty stores from various suppliers. It is mainly produced in Indonesia and the Philippines.

Structure and properties

Coconut blossom sugar is obtained from the sap (nectar) of the flowers of the coconut palm by boiling down and crystallization. It is usually present as a brown, granular powder. Coconut blossom sugar does not taste like coconut, but spicy and like caramel. It consists mainly and to well over 90% of sucrose like the ordinary household sugar, with a small amount of glucose and fructose. In addition, it contains minerals, trace elements, vitamins, proteins, fats and fibers.


Coconut blossom sugar has a sweet taste. Among its possible benefits are that it is natural, vegetable, hardly processed (unrefined), gluten-free and vegan. It contains no additives, no preservatives and no colorings. The glycemic index is slightly lower than sucrose. This means that there is less of a rise in blood sugar levels after ingestion.

Indications for use

As a sweetener, also for cooking and baking.


Like regular sugar, coconut blossom sugar consists mainly of sucrose and has only a slightly lower calorific value (about 385 instead of 400 kcal per 100 g). Coconut blossom sugar is much more expensive than sugar. In our view, coconut blossom sugar is only marginally healthier than regular granulated sugar.