Coconut: Intolerance & Allergy

Coconut has been popular for thousands of years due to its delicious taste as well as its beneficial properties. It belongs to the palm family. Botanically, the coconut does not belong to the nuts, but to the drupes.

This is what you should know about the coconut

Much of the vegetable fats found in coconut are short-chain acids that are highly digestible. The coconut tree on which the coconut grows grows more than 20 meters high. The tree, which can live to be 120 years old, bears fruit in various stages of development throughout the year, so coconuts are constantly ripening and coconut can be purchased throughout the year. Each year, a palm tree yields about 30 to 40 fruits. The main coconut-growing countries are, for example, Indonesia, India, the Philippines and Brazil. The coconuts available in Germany are only the inner part, which is surrounded by some bast threads. The outer layers are already removed in the growing countries. The coconut consists of a green, yellow or light brown thin and leathery shell and a dry, thick and fibrous lower layer. The entire coconut can reach a weight of two kilograms. Beneath the very hard shell are the skin, the white pulp and, in the inner cavity, the coconut water. Especially in the unripe coconuts, which are about seven months old, there is a lot of it. The coconut water has a slightly sweet and sour taste, which is refreshing. As the coconut ripens, the coconut water then forms the pulp, which solidifies and becomes woody during the process. The white flesh tastes very aromatic and is one to two inches thick. Although botanically the coconut is a drupe and not a nut, the white flesh actually tastes nut-like. The coconut water, on the other hand, which is found inside the coconut, has a sweetish and at the same time slightly sour taste.

Importance for health

A large part of the vegetable fats contained in the coconut are short-chain acids, they are very digestible. The fatty acids of coconut oil can prevent many diseases, for example, the circulatory system and metabolism. They also provide the body with quick energy, but are rarely stored in the fat deposits. Moreover, coconut oil does not contain bad cholesterol, which is blamed for atherosclerosis. Quite the opposite, because the proportion of healthy cholesterol (HDL) is high in the oil. This is said to protect the heart and from calcification of the arteries. Also the brain function is to be improved. Just one serving of the fresh flesh provides more than 15 percent of the daily requirement of copper. This trace element activates enzymes that ensure that neurotransmitters are formed. These transmit information from one cell to another. This promises a way to curb diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Coconut milk is also said to help with acne and regulate hypothyroidism. Coconut is also said to be healthy for diabetics, as the medium-length fatty acids are believed to reduce insulin resistance. It also stimulates the pancreas to produce more insulin.

Ingredients and nutritional values

Nutritional information

Amount per 100 gram

Calories 354

Fat content 33 g

Cholesterol 0 mg

Sodium 20 mg

Potassium 356 mg

Carbohydrates 15 g

Protein 3.3 g

Dietary fiber 9 g

The coconut is in its countries of origin a firm component of the nutrition, which is due to the valuable contents materials. Equally beneficial is the vital linoleic acid contained, which the body cannot produce itself and must therefore be supplied through the diet. 100 grams of coconut contain about 350 calories and 35 grams of fat. In addition, in addition to water, the stone fruit contains protein, fiber, sugar, calcium, potassium, selenium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and vitamins C, E and B vitamins.

Intolerances and allergies

Coconut is well tolerated after the period of abstinence. It is one of the low-fructose fruits, so it is usually good for people with intolerance.Nevertheless, not too much of the coconut should be eaten at once to avoid problems. Since coconut contains plenty of vegetable fat, it should be consumed moderately, especially during a diet.

Shopping and kitchen tips

When purchasing coconut, care should be taken to ensure that it is fresh. This can be checked using the shake test: If there is an audible gurgling sound when doing this, the coconut is usually in optimal condition. The fresher the drupe, the more coconut water it still contains. If the nut is dried out, the flesh tastes soapy, making it inedible. Fresh coconut will keep in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for two to three weeks. Because the flesh is very filling, the entire coconut often cannot be consumed in one sitting. Leftovers from an opened nut can be placed in a bowl with enough water to cover the coconut pieces. Following this, the bowl can then be placed in the refrigerator and the coconut consumed within the next two to three days. However, the water is changed at least once a day. Many people shy away from the preparation, although cracking the rock-hard fruit is not that difficult with a little practice. For this purpose, a hard and pointed object is needed, for example, a screwdriver, a hammer, as well as a pointed knife. The screwdriver is used to enlarge the two overgrown so-called “eyes” so that the coconut water can drain off. Now, the hammer is used to hit the center of the coconut shell all around until a crack forms. Along this crack, the coconut can be easily broken open. Now it is possible to separate the pulp from the two halves with a knife.

Preparation tips

In the countries where coconut is grown, it is offered chilled as a refreshing drink. The nut itself serves as a vessel. This also makes it possible to get to the flesh of the fruit. This can be scraped out with a spoon. Fresh flesh tastes good pure as a nibble, but also in the grated or diced form it enriches fruit salads, creams, puddings, cakes, pies as well as ice cream, making the dishes not only a delicious but also a healthy treat. Even savory dishes are perfectly complemented with coconut, because meat, fish and vegetables can be breaded with coconut flakes. An exotic vegetable and rice pan as well as a wonderfully creamy pumpkin seed soup are popular classics. To the aromatic curry, the coconut milk may not be missing, of course. Incidentally, coconut milk is a good substitute for people who cannot tolerate cow’s milk. It is also an ideal addition to vegan cuisine. The popular coconut milk is made by mashing the flesh of the coconut with water and then squeezing it. The coconut water is also often the basis for delicious cocktails or sauces. Who does not feel the South Sea feeling at this thought alone? The copra is the dried pulp of the fruit. From it coconut fat, oil, flakes and paste are obtained.