Cold therapy for rheumatism? | Cryotherapy/cold therapy

Cold therapy for rheumatism?

The cold therapy is mentioned by rheumatism centers and by the German rheumatism league for the relief of the complaints with chronic inflammatory rheumatic illnesses.The decongestant, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect of cold therapy can have a soothing effect, especially in the inflammatory phase of rheumatism with swollen, hot and aching joints. First the joints concerned can be cooled locally, for example with an ice pack or a cold bag with gel filling, again and again briefly. A visit to a cold chamber to apply the cold to the whole body can also reduce rheumatic complaints. Depending on how the patient feels, both heat and cold can be felt as beneficial in rheumatic diseases. This should be discussed individually with the patient before therapy.

When is heat therapy used?

Both cold and heat therapy are used in physiotherapy and physical therapy in a variety of ways for different clinical pictures.

  • Cold therapy has a vasoconstrictive, pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory and metabolic effect and reduces swelling. It is therefore particularly recommended for acute injuries, after operations and for inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    In contrast, cold therapy is not suitable for circulatory disorders, high blood pressure or cardiac insufficiency.

  • Heat therapy, on the other hand, stimulates the metabolism and blood circulation, has a vasodilating effect, relieves muscle tension and also has a pain-relieving effect. Heat has a pain-relieving effect, especially in chronic pain of the musculoskeletal system, muscle tension, reduced blood circulation and healed injuries, and improves mobility. For acute injuries and inflammations, however, heat therapy is usually unsuitable.