Colds in Summer: 17 Tips that Help!

Anyone who thinks that with the end of the cold season, colds are also forgotten, is mistaken. Because even in summer, colds are not uncommon: about 20 percent of all flu infections make us in the summer months to create. This is because many summer factors, such as drafts caused by air conditioning, sunburn or wet swimwear, can promote a cold. Where the summer cold lurks, what you can do to avoid catching a cold in the summer, and how best to get rid of a cold in the summer, you can find out here.

1. avoid drafts

Do not expose yourself to direct drafts. Especially in closed rooms, people often try to escape the heat by opening doors and windows or fans. Drafts cool the mucous membranes – making them less able to fight off cold viruses. To avoid exposing the body to sharp temperature differences, make sure the air conditioning is not set too cool. Caution is also advised when shopping. Many stores and shopping malls operate air conditioners that greatly reduce the indoor temperature: The risk of catching a cold increases! Tip: The ideal room temperature is 20 to 21 °C. In general, the room temperature should not be more than five degrees below the outside temperature. When shopping, you can protect yourself from too great a temperature difference with a light jacket or scarf.

2. sweat, but do not cool down.

Slip into dry clothes as soon as possible after sweating. Especially in summer, gardening, walking or climbing stairs can easily become a sweaty activity. While sweating is healthy and serves to regulate body temperature, wet clothing cools the body too much. Tip: You should always have a change of T-shirt or top with you. Functional clothing made of polyester or polypropylene is particularly recommended. They transport the sweat attracted by the clothing away from the skin and ensure that it evaporates on the outside of the garment. Cotton, on the other hand, retains moisture and sticks to the body like a cold layer when you sweat, which can cause the skin temperature to drop by up to 10 °C.

3. do not overdo the cool bath

Do not stay too long in the cold lake or pool. Jumping into the refreshing water is tempting when temperatures are high, but be careful: the body can cool down considerably, making it more susceptible to cold viruses. Damp swimwear that is not changed immediately after swimming can also promote a summer cold. Tip: Dry yourself well after your swim. The best way to protect yourself is to put on dry clothes as soon as you get out of the water. This protects your body from cooling down. For water rats who can’t get enough of the cool water, it’s worth investing in a shirt made of neoprene. This synthetic material is mainly used for diving suits and has excellent water and heat insulating properties. This is due to small, evenly distributed gas bubbles inside the fabric.

4. Better slightly chilled than ice cold.

Avoid ice-cold drinks, because they cool the mucous membranes. As a result, they can no longer adequately ward off cold viruses. Tip: If possible, let drinks from the refrigerator stand for a while and avoid ice cubes. If you drink iced beverages quickly, you will only feel refreshed in the first moment. The body reacts to the cold shock with increased blood circulation. Better: drink cold drinks only in sips.

5. do not underestimate temperature change in the evening

Always have a light sweater or jacket handy to prevent the body from cooling down in time. Even on hot summer days, it can cool down noticeably in the evening, and the supposedly balmy night can become a danger of catching a cold. And what starts with a chill can quickly turn into a summer cold. Tip: Also make sure that you don’t get cold feet in open shoes. Many beer gardens and open air cinemas, for example, offer blankets that you can use if necessary.

6. driving a car without (cold) regret.

Take a cloth or other protection for your head and neck with you when traveling by car. Drafts from open windows are often underestimated, especially on very hot days. It cools and dries out the mucous membranes. Therefore, you should always have protection in your luggage when you let the wind blow around your nose.This is especially true for convertible fans. If you have air conditioning in the car, it should not be set too cold so that the body does not cool down. Tip: When parking, sun visors can help keep the heat out of the car. Fastened to the windows in time, they provide soothing shade in the car.

7. avoid sunburn – sunbathing in moderation.

Do not expose yourself to excessive heat and sunlight. This is because both lower your immune system‘s defenses. As a result, sunbathers are more susceptible to summer colds. Therefore, a cold is not uncommon after a sunburn or intensive sunbathing. The first sunbath of the year should therefore never last longer than 15 minutes, so that the skin can first get used to the sun again. In addition, always make sure you have sufficient sun protection, for example by wearing appropriate clothing and sunscreen. Because a sunburn can not only promote a cold, it also increases the risk of developing skin cancer. Tip: If you are one of those people who can’t get enough of the sun, make sure you drink enough. This keeps the mucous membranes moist and makes it more difficult for cold viruses to enter your body. Also, make yourself comfortable in the shade for a while, it’s easy on your body and skin.

8. drink enough

Drink plenty, especially in hot weather. This will keep you fit and healthy! Our body consists of about two-thirds water – if you drink too little, it has a negative effect on the body. Health disorders such as headaches, fatigue or even kidney stones are the result. Another advantage of drinking: a sufficient supply of fluids ensures that the mucous membranes are well moistened. Your protective shield against infections and pathogens thus functions excellently. Tip: Never wait until you feel thirsty before drinking. This is a warning signal from your body. You have then already drunk too little. At temperatures above 30 degrees, two to three liters of fluid a day are a must.

9. caution: risk of infection in large crowds.

Avoid prolonged stays in places with large crowds. Especially in enclosed spaces, cold viruses can spread so optimally. Crowded public transportation is one example: limited air circulation and crowds of people make them a paradise for germs. The risk of infection through droplets is therefore particularly high in such places – and the summer cold is only a tiny step away. Tip: For short journeys, it is also worth taking the bicycle. Fresh air also promotes blood circulation and strengthens the immune system. In your free time, you should give preference to street cafés and beer gardens over air-conditioned rooms.

10. hand washing

Wash your hands several times a day, because cold viruses in most cases first settle on the skin. So shaking hands or touching a doorknob after a person with a cold has touched it can quickly become a cold risk. If your hands then come into contact with your face, the viruses can quickly make their way into your body via the nasal mucous membranes. Tip: You don’t always have the opportunity to wash your hands when you’re out and about. However, refreshing wipes are a great way to freshen up in the summer and help keep your hands clean at the same time – at least in the short term. The best tips against cold symptoms

What to do about summer colds? 7 tips!

Just as with a cold in winter, it is important to take it easy and cure the flu-like infection when you have a summer cold. These tips will help get rid of a summer cold:

  1. Give yourself rest and plenty of sleep to allow the body to recover. Refrain from sports and other physical exertion such as great heat.
  2. A diet rich in vitamins or defense-strengthening preparations (especially with vitamin C) support the body in becoming healthy. Ginger is considered particularly effective to strengthen the defenses.
  3. Inhale or a herbal steam bath with chamomile, as well as a nasal douche can provide relief for colds.
  4. Also nasal drops or sprays with seawater can help to moisten the nasal mucosa and thus strengthen and already invaded pathogens from the nose to rinse. Decongestants, however, must never be taken too long at a time, otherwise it can lead to a nasal spray addiction.
  5. For sore throats are suitable teas, for example, with sage or thyme. Gargling with an ointment solution is also a popular home remedy.
  6. Drinking plenty of fluids is important. However, you should avoid chilled drinks, but better drink tea or water.
  7. Make sure the humidity is sufficient to moisten the mucous membranes. A damp towel or a bowl of water are proven home remedies here.

With these tips, you will certainly succeed in getting the summer cold quickly under control. However, in case of severe fever, spread to the deep respiratory tract, ears or sinuses, or if the cold lasts longer than seven days, you should consult a doctor.