Colic: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In principle, colic can affect anyone, from babies to adults. It is not always necessary to consult a doctor, but it can significantly improve the general condition. Since the causes of pain can be very different, a medical clarification is quite reasonable. This paper shows what are the underlying causes of colic, what is the course of the disease, when it is absolutely necessary to see a doctor, what everyone can do themselves to prevent it.

What is colic?

According to the dictionary, colic is an “attack of cramp-like abdominal pain.” This pain is not caused only by movement, but can exist even when the body is at rest. Colic may be present when there is severe, aching, cramping pain in the abdomen. Affected individuals also state that almost pain-free phases alternate with acute pain phases. Therefore, another definition of “wave-like pain” arises. Cramp-like muscle contractions of a hollow organ trigger these colics. Gall bladder, intestine and kidneys are among the typically affected hollow organs. Therefore, the particular colic is determined by the organ affected, such as biliary colic, intestinal colic or renal colic. In rare cases, the uterus or stomach may also be affected by colic. As already mentioned, infants can also suffer from colic. The most common form of colic is “three-month colic”. The name here is derived from the stage of life rather than the organ from which the pain originates. Infants may be particularly susceptible to it until they reach three months of age.


The cause of colic depends on which hollow organ is affected. In biliary colic, gallstones are the cause of the symptoms. These “stones” prevent the normal function of the bile to produce and release bile. Eating food that is too fatty is the most common cause of biliary colic. In order to digest fatty foods, the body needs a lot of bile. If the bile goes into production, so to speak, any gallstones present are now easily washed into the individual bile ducts. This leads to a blockage of the bile ducts and consequently to painful symptoms. Intestinal colic can have various causes. On the one hand, flatulence, tumors or foreign bodies can constrict the intestinal passage. On the other hand, an existing disease of the intestine can be causative and thus cause severe pain. Renal colic occurs when kidney stones are washed into the ureters, thereby obstructing them. The affected organ wants to clear the obstruction (bile or kidney stones) by contracting. This results in the severe, cramping pain.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Nausea and vomiting are among a clear sign of colic. It is further accompanied by severe and sudden abdominal pain. Depending on the type of colic, symptoms include diarrhea and blood in the stool or blood in the urine. The duration of colic also varies greatly. It can be limited to a few minutes, but can also last up to hours. For example, if there is biliary colic, the affected person suffers from painful contractions in the upper abdomen. If the colic is very severe, the severe pain radiates to the back and vomiting and diarrhea are the result. A darker color of the urine or stool than usual are another consequence of this. If renal colic is present, those affected complain of severe pain in the lower abdomen up to the bladder. Blood in the urine is also a typical feature of this colic, as the kidney stones injure the ureter internally. Other symptoms include nausea and vomiting. Intestinal colic often causes the most severe discomfort. Pain often extends throughout the abdomen. In addition to nausea and vomiting, symptoms also include palpitations or sweating. Due to this, it is recommended to seek medical help for quick relief.


If colic is quickly recognized as such, effective treatment can be provided. Therefore, in such cases, further complications occur very rarely. However, if colic is not treated, the underlying condition may progress. This means more discomfort for the affected person. If e.B. Gallstones left untreated, the normal function of the bile may be disturbed and damaged. If the cause of the symptoms is a carcinoma, further complications are rarely inevitable. Food intolerances, jaundice and even a reduced life expectancy are the consequences if treatment fails to take place. The colloquial “kidney stones” can also lead to complications if left untreated. For one thing, the ureter can be injured internally. On the other hand, urinary retention can occur. This can cause a kidney disorder or, in the worst case, a kidney infarction. Intestinal colic can also be life-threatening if intestinal obstruction occurs. Further complications can result from high blood pressure or palpitations. If antibiotics and painkillers are used to treat the colic, these drugs can also cause dysfunction throughout the body. If surgery is unavoidable, there are other risks, such as wound healing problems, intolerance of anesthesia, inflammation, etc.

When should you go to the doctor?

If severe pain occurs in the middle and upper abdomen of the right side, a doctor should definitely be consulted. If complaints persist over a long period of time, they should also be examined by a doctor. If symptoms increase rapidly and are accompanied by other signs typical of colic, the emergency physician should be called. If symptoms of blood poisoning or intestinal obstruction become apparent, action must be taken quickly and the emergency physician called. Otherwise, the situation can end up being life-threatening. If sufferers still develop chills, fever or high blood pressure, the cause must also be investigated and treated by a doctor. Quick action can actually save lives in such cases!


The attending physician will take a medical history to confirm colic or rule out other diseases of the internal organs. To do this, the abdomen is palpated first. Then, the abdomen is examined sonographically, or colloquially, by ultrasound. With this examination, kidney stones or gallstones can be clearly detected. If a clear diagnosis is not yet possible, magnetic resonance imaging or computer tomography can be used. To diagnose renal colic, the urine is also examined. If it is necessary to examine the ureters, an X-ray examination including contrast medium is inevitable. If intestinal colic is suspected, X-ray or ultrasound examinations are performed to get to the bottom of the cause. In rare cases, an endoscopy (colonoscopy) is performed.

Treatment and therapy

To relieve existing cramps, heat is helpful. In addition, light exercise can help make the pain bearable. Anyone suffering from renal colic should drink as much lukewarm tea as possible. Chamomile or fennel tea are ideal for this purpose. These also have an antispasmodic effect and flush the urinary tract well. In the case of acute and severe pain, the use of analgesic medication is unavoidable. After that, the cause of the complaint can be addressed. The treatment of gallstones or kidney stones consists of crushing them. Once this is done, they are excreted through the urinary tract. If new gallstones keep forming, it may be necessary to remove the gallbladder. Treatment of intestinal colic includes the use of medications to reduce flatulence as well as the administration of analgesics to relieve pain. Antibiotics are also prescribed in certain cases. A change in diet is highly recommended for people prone to intestinal colic. In mild cases, this will provide relief. Likewise, home remedies such as warm baths or fennel tea can already lead to improvement of symptoms in mild conditions. However, if intestinal blockage is the cause of colic, surgical intervention is necessary.

Outlook and prognosis

In most cases, colic can be treated medically and cured. After only a short time, pain as well as cramps subside and the general condition improves. If the treatment goes well, nothing stands in the way of a favorable prognosis. After just a few weeks, most patients are free of symptoms. If the cause is directly organic, the outlook is also favorable. Many therapeutic procedures are successful and can therefore also predict a complete cure.If a disease of chronic origin is the basic problem, a complete cure is usually not given. There will always be recurrences of colic, which does not allow a complete recovery. Nevertheless, measures can be taken in such cases to achieve relief from the symptoms. In addition, psychotherapeutic treatments can help to accept the disease and not to declare it as an “enemy”. A balanced psyche will significantly improve the overall state of health. If no treatment options are considered at all, life-threatening consequences may occur with no chance of recovery.


To prevent colic, the abdominal and kidney regions should be kept warm. In addition, adequate fluid intake will keep the most vulnerable organs well flushed. It is worth considering having the gallbladder removed if there are repeated complaints, for example with the gallbladder. This is of course a surgical procedure, but it prevents further biliary colic. Furthermore, a healthy lifestyle and a varied diet are recommended to prevent colic of any kind. Those who may belong to risk groups due to hereditary factors should adhere to the suggested therapeutic measures.


Whether and in what form aftercare is necessary for colic depends entirely on the causes. If obstructions – such as intestinal blockage or kidney stones – were causative, follow-up care is not required. If further pain occurs after the obstruction is removed, the affected organs may need to be examined using imaging techniques. Sometimes damage, in the worst case perforation, can occur. If, for example, inflammatory processes were the cause of the colic, follow-up care consists of providing the patient with post-treatment care. For chronic conditions associated with colic, follow-up consists of occasional examinations. Changes in the clinical picture, which may also lead to episodes of pain, can be found in this way. However, in many cases, causative therapy is not available and therefore colic continues to occur. Follow-up care consists at best of an adapted diet (in the case of intestinal problems) and examination of the organs in the case of particularly bad episodes of pain. Sometimes colic is so severe that rest is recommended as aftercare. Those affected should avoid physical exertion for some time and keep their bodies warm. However, this form of aftercare does not necessarily improve the condition.

What you can do yourself

Everyone is responsible for their own lifestyle. Whether or not someone belongs to an affected risk group, care should be taken to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating good quality food, avoiding stress, and getting enough exercise and rest. In addition, regular appointments with the family doctor should be made or the doctor should be consulted in case of complaints. Specialist appointments with a gastroenterologist or similar can also be considered. If symptoms are severe and persistent, medical advice must be sought immediately to avoid life-threatening complications. Of course, these tips are no guarantee that you will never get colic. However, they will help keep the risk of illness to a minimum.