Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy is a therapeutic procedure of complementary medicine that can be used primarily to treat constipation (constipation). Colon hydrotherapy is based on the pressureless introduction of about ten liters of water into the intestine. The liquid introduced into the intestine is heated to varying degrees so that intestinal peristalsis can be positively influenced. The procedure goes back to the intestinal cleansing developed by Anton Brosch to remove intestinal residues and to treat existing constipation. Brosch postulated that the presence of intestinal residues and malnutrition would be associated with increased mortality (death). It is now known that there is a close connection between metabolic processes and the immune system. The immune system is located 70% in the wall of the intestine tenue (small intestine) and colon. Immunoglobulins (IgA) are largely produced in the intestine. The colonic mucosa is the first and most important defense system against toxins. The liver, kidneys, lymph, lungs and the skin surface follow in second place. Prof. Otto Warburg – Nobel Prize winner in 1931 – already pointed out at that time that a weakened immune system due to a disturbed metabolism in the intestine significantly promotes the development and spread of tumor cells.

Indications (areas of application)

  • Constipation – constipation represents the most common indication for the implementation of colon hydrotherapy.
  • Infections – even with the occurrence of infections, according to treating therapists, a positive effect on the healing of the disease can be achieved.
  • Autoimmune diseases (eg, chronic polyarthritis / rheumatoid arthritis) – the intestine and the bacterial colonization of the intestine represent important parts of the immune system. A functioning intestine has a decisive influence on the recognition of endogenous and exogenous cells.
  • Meteorism (flatulence) – colon hydrotherapy should be used to correct imbalances in the intestinal flora (dysbiosis). Flatulence can be due to many different causes, which can be treated with colon hydrotherapy.
  • Detoxification (detoxification) – for detoxification can be used colon hydrotherapy.
  • Preparation for diagnostic procedures of the colon – before performing a contrast enema, colonoscopy (colonoscopy) or rectoscopy (rectoscopy) can be performed colon hydrotherapy to achieve adequate non-biochemical-based cleansing of the intestine.


  • Intestinal surgery – after intestinal surgery has been performed, the procedure should not be performed because the scar tissue perforates more easily (rupture of the intestinal wall), which can cause massive complications and even death.
  • Myocardial infarction (heart attack) – after a myocardial infarction or in case of heart failure (cardiac insufficiency), colon hydrotherapy must not be performed under any circumstances, as the additional volume of fluid cannot be handled by the cardiovascular system. In addition, performing the therapy would significantly increase the risk of another myocardial infarction.
  • Angina pectoris ( abbreviation AP; “chest tightness”; sudden pain in the heart area) – the thoracic pain (chest pain) represents a symptom in the presence of reduced perfusion (reduced blood flow) of the heart. Analogous to the condition after myocardial infarction (heart attack), it is also necessary to refrain from performing the procedure in case of angina pectoris.
  • Gravidity (pregnancy) – colon hydrotherapy during pregnancy poses a massive risk to both the child and the mother, so the therapy should not be used.

Before therapy

Before colon hydrotherapy can be used, possible contraindications (contraindications) must be excluded. Furthermore, it should be ensured to what extent a disease can be treated by hydrotherapy. Since it is a non-invasive form of therapy, no further measures are necessary.

The procedure

The procedure is based on the introduction of a large amount of fluid into the colon, which should lead to cleansing and stimulation of intestinal peristalsis. During colon hydrotherapy, the patient is comfortably located on a treatment table.A plastic tube is inserted anally to direct the fluid into the bowel, allowing water at varying temperatures to enter the bowel. Warm water up to 41 °C helps to relieve spasms, while cooler water re-tones atonic bowel areas (non-active). Furthermore, cool water leads to decongestion of edematous sections of the mucosa. For effective cleansing, a closed system is necessary through which the water and dissolved intestinal contents can be removed. Improved peristalsis is primarily achieved with abdominal massage. Through the massage, changes can be felt at the same time and, if necessary, solved. Colon hydrotherapy is perceived by the patient as extremely pleasant and beneficial. The closed system prevents unpleasant phenomena, for example, in the form of odors, etc., for both the patient and the therapist.

After therapy

To safely rule out complications, the patient should remain under medical observation for a short time after therapy. Furthermore, driving a motor vehicle should be refrained from.

Possible complications

  • Nausea (sickness)
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea (diarrhea)
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Vertigo (dizziness)
  • Dehydration (lack of fluid)
  • Electrolyte shifts (change in salt-water balance).
  • Acute renal failure* (an acute loss of renal function).
  • Acute pancreatitis* (inflammation of the pancreas).
  • Heart failure* (cardiac insufficiency)
  • Infections*

* Extremely rare!