Colorectal Cancer: Risk Factors

Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer – about 70,000 cases are diagnosed annually in Germany. It occurs more frequently after the age of 45. However, people who carry a hereditary risk often develop the disease at a much younger age.

Often asymptomatic for years

Colorectal cancer is a “silent killer” – for many years it shows no symptoms! When colorectal cancer becomes noticeable through symptoms, it is usually already too late for a cure, as the cancer has often already affected the surrounding organs. That’s why this disease ends fatally in 27,000 people every year – a number that could be significantly reduced with early detection.

Inherited – familial risk factors.

It is now known that some of our genes are time bombs that can be passed down in the family. Almost one third of those affected have a family history and thus have “inherited” their disease. Therefore, even if people are completely free of symptoms, they should go for colorectal cancer screening especially if they are

  • Have one or more first-degree related family members (father, mother, siblings) who have been diagnosed with colon or uterine cancer before the age of 45 (including young people!),
  • Have a first-degree related family member (father, mother, siblings) who have been diagnosed with one or more so-called adenomas or polyps (pre-cancerous lesions of the colon) before the age of 40 (including young people!),
  • Have two first-degree relatives or three related family members who have had colorectal cancer or other cancers such as uterine, ovarian, stomach, small intestine or bladder and ureter cancer,
  • Suffer for years from inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis), which increases the risk of developing colorectal cancer in the long term.

Acquired – individual risk factors.

The development of colorectal cancer in addition also influenced by individual risk factors. A rule of thumb is that those people are at increased risk who are

  • Are 50 years or older (altered genes due to aging processes).
  • On the one hand eat a lot of meat and animal fats, on the other hand too little fruit, vegetables and overall too little fiber
  • Pay little attention to physical activity and exercise less than twice a week for at least 30 minutes
  • Are severely overweight
  • Smoke
  • Drink alcohol regularly (more than one glass of beer, liquor or wine per day)

People in whom one or more of these points apply have a significantly increased risk of developing colorectal cancer and should in any case regularly perceive colorectal cancer screening.