Coltsfoot: Applications and Uses

Coltsfoot leaves are used to treat acute inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract (catarrh), often accompanied by cough and hoarseness. Furthermore, the leaves are used for mild inflammation of the mouth and throat and associated irritating cough.

Coltsfoot in folk medicine and homeopathy.

However, coltsfoot contains substances harmful to the liver, so the leaves are no longer very common today. Coltsfoot is used folk medicine for dry cough, respiratory problems, asthma, emphysema and stomach problems.

Homeopathically, the fresh leaves of coltsfoot are used for old-age cough.

Ingredients of coltsfoot

The most important ingredients in coltsfoot leaves include the acidic mucilage polysaccharides (mucilage) and inulin, which occur in proportions of 6 to 10 percent. Also present are about 5 percent tannins, up to 0.015 percent pyrrolizidine alkaloids with a 1,2-unsaturated necin skeleton and their N-oxides (for example, tussilagin, senkirkin and senecionin). Pyrrolizidine alkaloids are believed to have hepatotoxic, or liver-damaging, effects.

Coltsfoot: indication.

These are the indications for coltsfoot in herbal medicine: