Common Colds: A Little 1X1

Statistically, each of us has a cold twice a year. Nevertheless, many people do not know how to properly deal with the number one infectious disease – or they do not think about the most important rules for dealing with infections. Thus, they unintentionally contribute to the spread of the disease or delay their own recovery. So it’s time to brush up on your cold etiquette. We have compiled the most important tips for the correct behavior with colds in this small 1×1 for you.

Shaking hands: taboo when you have a cold

The handshake of a person with a cold can be contagious. The cause is quickly explained: cold viruses can survive for several hours on surfaces such as hands, doorknobs or even handkerchiefs. Tip: Avoid shaking hands when you have a cold and dispose of paper handkerchiefs immediately after use and do not leave them lying around. Common cold: What helps against the symptoms?

Sneezing must be!

According to surveys, nearly 40 percent of women surveyed would rather hold their nose than risk a sneeze. This may be genteel, but from a medical point of view it is not very advisable. On the contrary: when sneezing is suppressed, pressure builds up in the nasal cavities, forcing pathogens into the sinuses or even toward the middle ear. Inflammation can then occur there. So anyone who has to sneeze should do so, but turn away from the person in front of you and be sure to hold a handkerchief in front of your nose.

Flu spreaders: Droplet infection

Important way for the cold viruses to change their “owner” is droplet infection. Here, droplets of mucus contaminated with viruses are emitted by the sick person – for example, when sneezing or coughing – and inhaled by the environment. Since the droplets can travel over distances of up to 12 meters, crowds of people, for example in buses, department stores or even schools, are virtually predestined for droplet infection. Thus, just a few minutes in a densely packed room are enough to transmit the respiratory infection from one infected person to numerous others.

Blow your nose and look

Blow your nose and analyze the results: This is considered frowned upon by 30 percent of all respondents. Nevertheless, doctors advise to take a closer look at the nasal secretion in the handkerchief. This doesn’t have to be in front of guests. Blow your nose gently, without much pressure, and always keep one nostril closed. A blocked nose can trigger sinusitis in the long term, which is why it is advisable to combat it with decongestant nasal spray and home remedies, for example. Good to know: Yellowish or greenish discolored mucus can indicate a bacterial infection and makes a visit to the doctor advisable. Blocked nose – what to do? Tips and home remedies

If you are sick, you shiver

It is not the shivering that leads to a cold, but vice versa. Even if we humans like to attribute the common cold to the cold, it is correct: a person who has a cold starts to shiver. The reason: the sensation of hypothermia typically occurs just before the development of fever, which precedes the other symptoms of illness.

How long does a cold last?

Three days it comes, three days it stays, three days it goes – this old folk wisdom is unfortunately still true. As a rule, a cold lasts a good week to ten days until it disappears again. The duration of a flu-like infection cannot be influenced – but the symptoms can be alleviated.

How long does a fever last with a cold?

How long a fever lasts during a cold can vary greatly. Usually, the fever subsides after the cold reaches its peak. As a rule, the fever lasts for about two to seven days. In most cases (unlike the flu or pneumonia, for example), it is only a mild fever, although it can occasionally exceed temperatures of 38.5 degrees Celsius. In this context, fever in the context of a cold is usually harmless, because this is how the body tries to fight the pathogens of the cold. Fever is therefore initially no cause for concern and fever-reducing drugs such as paracetamol or home remedies such as cold calf compresses are not absolutely necessary. However, if the fever is high or prolonged, you should consult a doctor.

When to see a doctor

Sore throats are usually caused by cold viruses.If no other complaints are present, the symptoms usually subside within a few days. If you have a fever above 38.5 degrees Celsius or if white, dot-like deposits are seen on the palatine tonsils, you should see a doctor. Other warning signs:

  • Pressure painful cervical lymph nodes
  • Very severe difficulty swallowing
  • Hoarseness and difficulty swallowing lasting longer than a week

Overcome cold – is one then safe?

More than half of Germans think that a survived infection protects against reinfection. Unfortunately, this is not true: the infection with a cold virus does not make permanently immune. There are over 200 different viruses that cause the common cold. If the body has just successfully fought off one virus, the next infection with a different virus type can theoretically follow immediately. The best protection against new infection is to strengthen the immune system. And that is through a vitamin-rich diet, regular exercise and – if there is no illness to the contrary – a weekly visit to the sauna.

Do I have a cold or a real flu?

The “real flu” or influenza is transmitted by the so-called influenza viruses. It begins suddenly with a high fever (between 38.5 and 40 degrees Celsius) and severe feeling of illness, usually with circulatory weakness. Many sufferers can subsequently pinpoint the onset of the illness to the hour. Unlike the common cold, there is a vaccination to protect against influenza. This flu vaccination is recommended to all risk groups by the STIKO and must be refreshed annually. This is because the influenza virus has the ability to constantly form new variants. The vaccine must therefore be adapted each year to the pathogen strains of the coming “flu season”. The main target group for the flu vaccination, which is carried out in early autumn, are people who are older than 60 years, have a chronic disease such as heart failure, lung disease, kidney disease, metabolic disease, diabetes mellitus or similar, or have a weakened immune system. But vaccination is also recommended for people with frequent contact with sick people, such as hospital staff.

Common cold: some truths

The following facts about colds should also be remembered from time to time:

  • Cold alone does not make a cold.
  • The mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are better supplied with blood in the cold. But: cold can also lead to a weakening of the immune system.
  • Colds are triggered by viruses.
  • Antibiotics do not work against viruses.
  • Cough is an important protective reflex. The following applies: too much mucus does little harm, too tough mucus does more harm.