Common diseases | Large adductor muscle (M. adductor magnus)

Common diseases

Due to its above-mentioned importance for the adductor canal, the large adductor muscle also plays a role in clinical pictures involving this canal. The large leg artery (Arteria femoralis) running through the canal is often affected by arteriosclerotic constrictions or occlusions. It is assumed that the narrowing of the adductor canal plays an important role in the development of this vascular disease.

Overloading can also lead to the typical muscle injuries such as pulled muscles, torn muscle fibers or complete muscle rupture, especially in athletes. (Tendon) irritations can also occur. Footballers in particular often complain of “adductor strain“, which can affect the large adductor muscle, among other things. Soccer players suffer this injury mainly when passing or shooting with the instep, because the adductors are under particular strain during this movement due to the outwardly turned position of the leg.

Strengthening and stretching

There are two ways to stretch the inside of the thigh and thus the large adductor muscle. The athlete stands with approximately double the shoulder width (straddle step) and the tips of the feet point forward. The body weight is now shifted to one side, so that the leg on the side to be stretched is stretched approximately through, while the other leg is bent in the knee joint.

The upper body should be kept as straight as possible. The second variation is done while sitting. The soles of both feet touch each other while the knee joints are pressed towards the floor.

Strengthening of the large adductor muscle can be done in the gym on special equipment (“adductor machine“). Here the leg is guided inwards against a counterweight or resistance. Synergists: Adductors: Long adductor muscle (M. adductor longus), short adductor muscle (M. adductor brevis), crested muscle (M. pectineus), slender thigh muscle (M. gracilis) Antagonists: Abductors: Thigh ligament tensioner (M. tensor fasciae latae), small and middle gluteus muscle (Mm.glutei minimus et medius)