Common Plantain: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Common plantain is a very ancient medicinal plant that was already known to the Assyrians. In ancient Greece and the Middle Ages, folk medicine used the inconspicuous plant, which grows by the wayside and between paving stones, to treat rheumatic diseases. As reported by the Roman author Pliny the Elder (1st century AD), the common plantain even helped with scorpion stings and animal bites.

Occurrence and cultivation of the common plantain

The versatile herb is related to ribwort plantain and has a similar spectrum of action as the latter. The herbaceous medicinal plant grows to a height of about 25 cm. Plantain (Plantago major) belongs to the plantain family (Plantaginaceae). It is also known as plantain, broad-leaved plantain and field weed. The versatile plant is related to the ribwort plantain and has a similar spectrum of action as the latter. The herbaceous medicinal plant grows to about 25 cm tall. Its ovate to oval, about 15 cm long, entire-margined leaves grow from a ground-covered rosette. On the long leafless stem is a green spike-like inflorescence that blooms from June to October. The tender leaves are best collected and dried before flowering in May. The undemanding and tread-resistant medicinal plant is native to Europe and today grows almost everywhere: directly on paths, roadsides, lawns, fields and even roadsides. Broadleaf plantain is now found around the world wherever it encounters nutrient-rich, moist, hard soil.

Effect and application

It is used internally and externally and has a very broad spectrum of action, even surpassing that of ribwort plantain by several areas of application. The user consumes the freshly picked younger leaves in a wild herb salad. Plant juice is obtained from them by pressing. To prepare broad-leaved plantain tincture, the patient puts some fresh leaves into a screw-top jar and fills it up with double grain so that they are completely covered. Then he closes the jar and lets the contents steep for 2 to 6 weeks. Then he strains the tincture with a coffee filter and fills it into dark bottles. If only a little juice is needed, the user can also squeeze the fresh leaf with his fingers until juice runs out and then treat the affected part of the body with it. With the help of the juice, porridge envelopes are also made, which relieve pain and have a decongestant effect. Plantain juice is also used internally for cough and bronchial catarrh. The tea is drunk or used for medicinal baths and ablutions. Broadleaf plantain leaves are additionally processed into ointments and lotions, which are applied to the affected body region. The root of the inconspicuous plant is chewed in the mouth, so that its antibacterial and antiviral ingredients effectively fight inflammation in the mouth and throat. For the tea, the sick person pours 1 to 2 teaspoons of fresh leaves or 0.5 to 1 teaspoon of dried herb with 1 liter of boiling water. 5 to 10 minutes later, he strains the tea and drinks 2 to 3 cups in small sips throughout the day. Even the crushed leaves of the plant are used as a remedy: The user picks some leaves, crushes them with a stone and puts them on cuts, skin scratches and acne pimples. Placed in the shoes, they help hikers with blisters on the feet and foot pain. The oozing sap heals the wounds and cools them at the same time. Plantain is well tolerated in all applications. However, in isolated cases, allergic rhinitis may occur. Interactions with other remedies are not known.

Importance for health, treatment and prevention.

All parts of the greater plantain (leaves, root, seeds) are suitable for medicinal uses. Unlike the ribwort plantain, which is further processed only dried, the broadleaf plantain is usually used fresh. The ancient medicinal plant contains allantoin, iridoid glycosides such as aucubin and catalpol, bitter substances, tannic acid, tannins, mucilages, salicylic acid, polyphenols, sulfur, mineral salts, silicic acid and vitamin C. Aucubin and catalpol have an anti-bacterial effect, helping to treat infections in the body. In addition, the substances prevent inflammation, reduce fever and strengthen the patient’s immune system.Therefore, the great plantain is used as a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic against various diseases (sore throat, gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma). In the case of cystitis and lung infection, 10 ml of common plantain juice is enough to quickly bring about an improvement in the general condition. The tannins contained in the medicinal plant have an astringent effect and ensure rapid wound healing when the remedy is applied to an open wound. The plant mucilages relieve cough irritation during flu-like infections. In addition, the versatile medicinal plant is also used for digestive disorders and drainage: it has a positive effect on irritated intestines and constipation. Diarrhea is efficiently treated with the help of the plant’s own tannins. In certain complaints (colic, asthma and abdominal pain), the natural remedy relieves cramps and relaxes the muscles. Because of its anti-microbial properties, it kills intestinal parasites. Toothache, facial neuralgia, colic and other pain conditions are eliminated. In addition, the plant helps to drain dangerous toxins from the body, cleansing from the inside. Even burns, sunburn, purulent ulcers, fistulas, hemorrhoids and warts on the skin are treated quickly and efficiently with plantain ointments. The homeopathic Plantago major even helps in smoking cessation. It evokes an aversion to nicotine in the patient, so the smoker is bound to stop smoking. Homeopaths use the remedy additionally against an irritated bladder, insomnia and mood swings.