Complications | Inflammation of the toe


Inflammation of the toe has few complications. In some serious cases, the symptoms may last longer and require surgical treatment. Very rarely, nail bed inflammation leads to involvement of the bones in the toe. If gout or rheumatoid arthritis remains untreated for a long time, the inflammation becomes chronic and deformations of the joints in the toe can occur.


An inflammation of the toe heals spontaneously after a few days in most cases, as long as no underlying disease is causative. Like rheumatism, gout is a chronic disease that cannot be cured, but can usually be controlled. The course of the disease is very different in each individual case.


Good foot hygiene is the best prophylaxis against an ingrown toenail or nail bed inflammation. The nails should not be cut too short, and the skin of the foot should not be allowed to dry out by washing too often. Suitable footwear prevents pressure-induced inflammation and prevents small injuries to the toe, e.g. from a splinter.Prophylactic against attacks of gout is a certain diet, in which so-called purines are ingested as little as possible.

Against the occurrence of rheumatism unfortunately no meaningful measures are well-known, which prevent breaking out. However, the course of the disease can be effectively influenced by regular checks or physiotherapy.