Complications of a molar tooth extraction | Pull a molar

Complications of a molar tooth extraction

Possible complications that can occur when pulling a molar tooth include the breaking off of the crown. This is not an unusual situation, the roots of the tooth can be removed individually afterwards. During the extraction of the molar, it is still possible that the broken tooth falls down and is then accidentally swallowed.

Adjacent teeth can be damaged by the use of instruments and nerves, vessels or soft tissue can be injured by slipping. It can also happen that a connection between the mouth and the maxillary sinus is created in the upper jaw. In any case, this should be closed with several sutures so that the maxillary sinus cannot be infected by invading bacteria.

A typical complication is the loss of the blood coagulum in the alveolus, the so-called alveolitis sicca. Other complications that occur after the treatment are oedema, secondary bleeding or the formation of a bruise. A fracture of the lower jaw or an alveolar process is less frequent.

An inflammation of a damaged molar is a serious complication after tooth extraction. The simple inflammation can quickly develop into a larger lesion with pus formation. If signs of inflammation appear, one should immediately go to the dentist or the dental emergency service.

The affected tooth usually has to be removed and the pus cavity opened so that healing can take place. This treatment often takes place under general anaesthesia and a hospital stay may be necessary. Signs of inflammation are redness, swelling, pain and overheating.

Patients often complain of a swollen cheek in this context as well. If a swelling of the cheek, i.e. a ‘thick cheek‘, appears a few days after a tooth has been extracted, a doctor should be consulted immediately. This is most likely a bacterial infection.

The bacteria of the oral cavity could penetrate the wound. An inflammation has developed which must be treated as soon as possible. To prevent the swelling from increasing, heat and physical exertion should be avoided at all costs. Instead, the cheek should be cooled and the inflammation treated with an antibiotic prescribed by the dentist.

Pain during and after tooth extraction

Each time a tooth is extracted, i.e. a tooth extraction, pain can be perceived individually. In any case, the affected area, where the molar tooth to be extracted is located, is sufficiently anaesthetized. Often injections are made at several points in order to anaesthetize the supply areas of the nerves running there.

This means that both the gums and the areas underneath are anaesthetised to ensure complete painlessness. After the extraction of a tooth, healing takes place and with it the typical symptoms of wound healing. They usually begin as soon as the anesthesia of the treatment wears off and often last for about 2-3 days.

They often manifest themselves in a constant throbbing or knocking, which can be perceived as unpleasant. The pain is also often described as a burning or pulling sensation. The intensity of the pain always depends on the individual sensation of pain.

If severe pain does not appear until a few days after tooth extraction, a dentist should be consulted. In this case it could be a deep-seated infection in the wound. Every tooth extraction is equivalent to a surgical procedure, which causes a wound that has to heal.

Wound healing pain in the first days after tooth extraction is completely normal. It usually lasts for a few days and is accompanied by sensitivity, throbbing or knocking and redness in the affected area. Heavy tooth brushing, the consumption of hard food or irritation of any other kind should be avoided at the extraction site for about a week.

In most cases, the pain is completely gone after one week at the latest, provided no infections or complications occur during wound healing. Painkillers prescribed by the doctor, such as ibuprofen, can be taken to relieve the pain during wound healing. It is important to avoid preparations such as aspirin.

These have an anticoagulant effect and therefore increase the risk of secondary bleeding. Furthermore, sucking ice cubes from the inside of the mouth or cold compresses on the cheek can relieve the pain. Heat should be avoided in any case. After a meal, chamomile can be rinsed prophylactically to prevent infection of the wound and to prevent further pain.