Complications of a stab wound | Stab wound

Complications of a stab wound

A blood poisoning or also called sepsis is caused by an infection with pathogenic agents. These pathogens are bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites.Typical symptoms of sepsis are very high fever with chills, tachycardia, major breathing problems and drop in blood pressure. In addition, psychological changes can also occur.

All these symptoms do not have to occur simultaneously and they are not limited to this disease. This is exactly what poses a problem for differentiating sepsis from other diseases. In case of doubt, a hospital visit can confirm the diagnosis.

Healing time

The healing time for stab wounds varies and depends mainly on the type of wound. The deeper and larger a wound is, the longer the healing time is. Another factor that prolongs the duration of healing is, in addition to alleged contamination of the wound, delayed wound treatment or concomitant injuries.