Complications of periodontosis treatment | Periodontosis treatment

Complications of periodontosis treatment

The risk of periodontitis surgery is low. The anaesthesia is only local, but there are patients who are sensitive to local anaesthesia. Possible allergies to the ingredients of the anesthetics should therefore be clarified beforehand.

The risk of wound healing disorders or secondary bleeding, as well as the risk of infection is relatively low, but should not be ignored. Incorrect application of local anesthesia may cause discomfort. For example, the maximum limit quantity must be observed, or the anesthetic must not be injected directly into the nerves. However, these problems rarely occur, as the dentist who performs periodontal treatment is already experienced.

Costs of periodontal treatment

The exact cost of periodontal treatment depends on several factors. The extent of the disease as well as the necessary treatment measures contribute significantly to the determination of the costs. In addition, the price of periodontal treatment within Germany varies from practice to practice.

However, the patient must bear in mind that most periodontal treatment measures are purely private services. This means that neither statutory nor private health insurance companies are obliged to pay for the costs of periodontal treatment. The patient must therefore bear the costs of the treatment measures as far as possible themselves.

A few health insurance companies have at least included professional teeth cleaning in their range of services as a gesture of goodwill. It is therefore worthwhile for the patient to inquire with his own health insurance company whether the tooth cleaning is at least partially covered. Supplementary dental insurances and many private health insurances usually cover the entire costs of periodontosis treatment.

Effect of smoking

Rapid treatment of periodontitis (colloquially “periodontosis”) is important to stop the progression of the disease. Most people are aware that smoking is harmful to the body, but many do not know that it can also be the cause of periodontitis and can also lead to tooth loss. Through daily tobacco consumption, whether through cigarettes or a pipe, many different toxins enter our body and as the first station they pass through the mouth through inhalation, where they settle on the teeth and gums.

The reduced blood circulation caused by tobacco consumption causes the first warning signs, such as light bleeding after a small probe, to be ignored, so that one only becomes aware of them at a somewhat more advanced stage. The first signs of slight bleeding of the gums are not visible in this way. Due to the reduced blood flow, the immune cells can only attack invading bacteria in a weakened state.

The removal is also more difficult, so that the pollutants remain longer in the oral cavity. The body’s own defence system is weakened and the risk of periodontitis is greatly increased. If a periodontal treatment has been initiated, which usually extends over several phases, continued smoking is not conducive to healing and should be avoided if possible.

The different treatment methods vary depending on the individual situation. They can range from professional tooth cleaning to surgical intervention. Wound healing disorders, due to nicotine consumption after a surgical intervention, can occur as a possible complication.

Foreign substances are once again deposited on the fresh wounds, causing irritation of the wounds and delaying if not preventing healing. Since smoking is a common cause in the development of periodontal disease, it may not be beneficial in treatment and healing.Even after a successfully completed periodontosis treatment, the risk of recurrent periodontitis can be increased by continued tobacco consumption. In general, restricting or completely giving up smoking is the best way to support the treatment of periodontal disease and prevent its recurrence. If smoking is stopped, the treatment successes are indistinguishable from those of a non-smoker and after a few years the tissue has recovered to a point where it is similar to that of a non-smoker.