Complications of spondylodesis | Operating principles for spondylodesis

Complications of spondylodesis

A spondylodesis is not a minor operation. Serious complications are possible, although not the rule. Early complications include Among the late complications are

  • Infection, wound healing disorder
  • Thrombosis/pulmonary embolism
  • Post-bleeding
  • Nerve injury/paralysis/emotion
  • Intestinal paralysis (in case of operation from the abdomen)
  • Pseudarthrosis (absence of bony fusion and persistence of painful, pathological instability)
  • Connecting instability (beginning of an overload-related, painful vertebral body instability at the transition from the stiffened spinal section to the remaining mobile spinal section).
  • Follow-up degeneration (painful wear of the intervertebral discs and other vertebral components at the transition from the stiffened spinal section to the remaining spinal section due to overload).
  • Screw and metal breakage or loosening