Compression stockings at night | Compression stockings

Compression stockings at night

As a rule, compression stockings are only worn during the day. The length of time the stockings are worn can vary individually depending on the severity of the symptoms. In most cases, at least 8 hours per day are indicated.

At night the stockings can be omitted because gravity has less influence on the blood flow in a lying position than when you walk or stand for a long time during the day. If slight discomfort occurs at night, it is helpful for most patients to put a cushion on their legs to support the blood flow from the periphery towards the heart. An exception is, however, the inpatient stay after an operation.

In this case the compression stockings must be worn continuously, except when showering or washing. The reason for this is that patients have long periods of bed rest after an operation and are sometimes completely immobile. The risk of thrombosis and pulmonary embolism is too high for the compression stockings to be worn for a few hours a day.