Compression stockings

What are compression stockings?

Compression stockings are a medical aid both in therapy and in the prophylaxis of thrombosis to support venous blood flow. For certain reasons, however, the blood composition can also change the flow ratio in the venous vessels of the legs, so that the blood flow from the periphery of the legs towards the heart can be disturbed. Those affected then suffer pain, complain of swollen legs or the increased occurrence of varicose veins.

In this case, compression stockings can be used as a first therapeutic and non-invasive measure, as they can alleviate the symptoms in a simple way. Since the blood flows back to the heart against gravity, mechanisms of the body must work well for the transport to work. Worth mentioning in connection with compression stockings is the so-called muscle pump to stabilize the blood circulation.

Since the veins do not have muscles or cannot actively contract to transport the blood, they are dependent on other mechanisms. The muscles can do this work because the deep venous vessels run in close relation to the muscles and are also compressed by their contraction. The fasciae of the muscles, i.e. their sheaths or possibly a bone, are considered to be the abutments.

Together with the muscle pump and the venous valves to prevent blood from flowing back, the blood can be transported upwards. Compression stockings support precisely this mechanism by acting externally, as the name suggests, to compress the vascular system and prevent the blood from stagnating. The compression stocking exerts pressure on the leg from the outside and is regarded as a kind of abutment.

This promotes blood circulation. In addition to the venous blood system, the mechanism also has an effect on the lymphatic drainage system, since the lymph must also flow from the periphery to the centre. The compression stocking is therefore an elastic stocking that must fit so tightly around the leg that compression of the leg tissue occurs.

The indication for compression stockings is usually always aimed at one of the following aspects: as a therapeutic measure, compression stockings are used to treat thromboses, varicose veins (varicose veins), open legs and lymphedema. Compression stockings are also helpful in the treatment of lipedema. For prophylactic reasons, long flights, long periods of standing or lying down, for example after an operation or sporting activities, may make it necessary to wear compression stockings. Depending on how severe the complaints are or how high the risk of one of these complaints is, the length of time compression stockings are worn and also their material thickness can vary. The indication can therefore be determined individually by selecting different compression stockings with different thicknesses.