Compulsory control | Fear of loss

Compulsory control

Control constraints that arise in the context of strong loss fears can take on significantly different dimensions. Such constraints usually occur when the fear of loss relates to interpersonal relationships. In this case, an attempt is made to control the partner as closely as possible in order to prevent a possible separation or other loss. The extent of this ranges from a more pronounced parenthesis to control actions that can be summarized as stalking. If other things are the subject of the fear of loss, for example money, the control compulsions can also take on other characters, such as the constant control of the account balance or stock values.

How can you overcome fear of loss?

Since pronounced fears of loss can result in a severe restriction of everyday life and relationships, an attempt should be made to overcome or at least mitigate them. In addition to psychotherapy in severe cases, there are, however, numerous other methods for getting closer to this goal. The focus here should first of all be on strengthening self-confidence.

This gives those affected a greater inner security and can thus reduce their fears. But even small changes in everyday life, such as finding a hobby, can already help. In addition, one should try to identify negative thoughts of loss as such, write them down and try to express them neutrally or even positively. However, since the cause of many fears of loss is usually based on traumatizing experiences in childhood, it often makes sense to seek psychotherapeutic therapy to identify and treat them.


There are numerous homeopathic remedies that are supposed to improve the symptoms of fear of loss. Which of these remedies is applied to the individual patient depends on the quality of the fear and the improving and worsening factors. For example, Aurum (D12) is used in patients who withdraw from social contacts as a result of fear of loss and feel that their fear is overwhelming. Pulsatilla, on the other hand, is used in various degrees of effectiveness, especially for women for whom fear of loss is associated with strong fear of relationships. Anacardium (D12) is mainly used for fear of loss associated with overexertion, as is the case with job-related fears, for example.