Computer Game Addiction: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Computer game addiction is a mental illness. It is based on a distorted perception of reality and manifests itself in an escape into the virtual world of dreams. Because only here can the sufferer realize his dreams, is invulnerable and combines attributes that he does not possess in normal life. Computer game addiction is treatable.

What is computer game addiction?

Computer game addiction is now recognized as a psychological condition. With it, the sufferer feels driven to spend their time playing PC or console games. While this may still be a popular and legitimate pastime, computer game addiction manifests itself in compulsive behavior. In many cases, this gets out of hand in terms of time, so that the person suffering from computer game addiction usually spends several hours or even days in the virtual world. Popular topics of computer game addiction in the media are the so-called first-person shooters, which are supposed to have an effect on the affected person in such a way that they blunt him and make him more aggressive. However, this theory has not been proven. What is certain, however, is that computer game addiction must be placed in therapeutic hands. Computer game addiction must be distinguished from Internet addiction and from gambling addiction.


In most cases, a computer game addiction arises from simply playing on the computer and subsequently increases to a strong craving. The person afflicted with computer game addiction is usually psychologically unstable anyway and susceptible to disturbing influences. It is often accompanied by a latent denial of reality. Both conditions favor the computer game addiction. In addition to these character fundamentals, it is not uncommon for certain key situations to occur: The person affected by computer game addiction isolates himself from his circle of friends, experiences rejection from a loved one, or otherwise withdraws and seeks the ideal world. Loneliness, the feeling of not being understood as well as private and professional stress are therefore frequent triggers of computer game addiction. Furthermore, online role-playing games, so-called MMORPG – Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, such as Guildwars or World of Warcraft, pose an enormous risk of addiction to their players. In these games, the player always has the addiction of having to level up further in order to be better than the other players. These MMORPG’s usually do not have a typical game end, but offer almost infinite adventures and options for action to further improve his game character. In addition, a dependency can arise here, since often friends of the people concerned play along and they do not want to break a certain social bond.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Due to the lack of a defined clinical picture, computer game addiction does not have any symptoms that are typical or obligatory for the presence of this condition. However, several signs and symptoms based on observation of existing and treated cases of computer game addiction lend themselves to differentiation from normal user behavior. Computer game addicts are characterized by investing most of their time in gaming. Everything else is put aside in favor of gaming, so that affected persons, for example, eat poorly or no longer fulfill their obligations. If affected individuals are prevented from playing, they react emotionally and show withdrawal symptoms. Not being able to play seems unbearable to them. In situations in which the affected person cannot play, his thoughts nevertheless revolve around his game. The gambling behavior is difficult to control and, as with almost all addictions, there is a denial and a covering up of the problem. In the later course, other areas of life are (almost) completely abandoned. Social contacts, professional obligations and the like are no longer perceived and the person affected isolates himself with his computer. Physical consequences can occur due to forgetting to eat. Dying of thirst or starvation occasionally occur. Signs of computer game addiction are the gradual increase in daily game time and the beginning of neglecting other things in favor of the game.

Diagnosis and progression

Often, computer game addiction shows a gradual progression: An initial pastime grows into a compulsion to indulge in the gaming world.Sufferers of computer game addiction literally take refuge in their desired environment, where they can do whatever they want. This denial of real circumstances and the creation of one’s own dream worlds is a core aspect of computer game addiction. In many cases, the person affected is subsequently no longer able to recognize the boundaries between real and imagined situations:

He acts again as he sees fit. It is disputed whether computer game addiction can actually lead to homicide or violent crime. What is decisive, however, is that computer game addiction produces inestimable consequences that can be dangerous for the person affected as well as for his or her fellow human beings.


Computer game addiction is a behavioral addiction and therefore often leads to social isolation: addicted gamers increasingly withdraw in order to spend more time gaming. In addition, other interests and hobbies may take a back seat, which also makes contact with other people more difficult. Debt is another possible complication of computer game addiction. On the one hand, addicted gamers may lose control of their spending: Computers, games, accessories, and purchases within games cause the mountain of debt to grow in this case. On the other hand, computer game addicts may neglect their jobs and financial obligations when they lose themselves in the game. Many addicted gamers also neglect other tasks – for example, their own family, children, or themselves. Personal hygiene, nutrition, and cleanliness in one’s home are sometimes postponed as part of this complication or seem overly complicated to the computer game addict. The effort required for everyday things sometimes seems too much for the affected person. In addition, computer game addiction can be accompanied by other psychological problems, such as depression or other addictions. Some addicted gamers increasingly lose touch with reality due to excessive gaming. This condition can promote psychotic symptoms and dissociation. In some cases, the alienation also causes computer game addicts to feel like strangers in reality – reality seems unreal to them.

When should you see a doctor?

The boundaries from passionate computer gaming as a pastime and computer gaming addiction run fluidly and are not always easy to recognize. A doctor should be consulted when the computer game takes a prominent place in the life of the person concerned and all other areas are neglected for it. The compulsive urge to play, a loss of control that begins with the start of the game and the inability to take longer breaks are alarm signs that strongly indicate a computer game addiction in need of treatment. If the person concerned withdraws further and further from his social environment and also accepts that his behavior will cause problems at school or at work, a visit to the doctor is urgently recommended. Neglect of personal hygiene and insufficient food intake already indicate a strong gambling addiction. Health is in danger if drinking is also forgotten: Combined with exhaustion due to lack of sleep, this can lead to a life-threatening weakening of the body. Medical advice should be sought immediately at the latest when these signs appear. The first point of contact can be the family doctor, with whom a trusting relationship exists: Subsequently, however, psychological or psychotherapeutic treatment is usually necessary. In severe cases, inpatient therapy may also be indicated.

Treatment and therapy

The treatment of computer game addiction is carried out by a psychological therapist. For this, it is important to recognize the disease as such in the first place and to be able to distinguish the normal pastime from the addiction. This task is usually the responsibility of the family or friends. Once the first step to this realization has been taken, the person suffering from computer game addiction should look for a competent partner with whom he can talk about his compulsions. Usually, hidden fears or desires that the patient has been unconsciously carrying for many years or decades are also expressed in this talk therapy. In rare cases, computer game addiction is treated with medication. However, it is precisely where reality is denied with all its might that the use of medication is helpful.At the request of the person suffering from computer game addiction, an inpatient measure is also possible. Here he is shown a way to relax. He is also given opportunities to realize his own ego instead of taking refuge in the virtual world. Computer game addiction is thus curable.

Outlook and prognosis

Computer game addiction is as serious a condition as any other addiction. The outlook and prognosis is similar – if computer game addiction is not treated or ignored for too long, it can have consequences. Since this specific addiction manifests itself in the fact that the affected person spends his free time only isolated in front of the computer or, in the worst case, does not pursue his profession and other obligations, the first negative effects are social and psychological. Furthermore, diet and exercise can suffer from a computer game addiction and lead to physical problems. Conceivable are a deterioration of the skin condition, if there is no more time for healthy nutrition, or obesity, if leisure time is left without exercise. The consequences of computer game addiction can vary in severity. Mild forms are mostly noticed by relatives. Often, in the case of computer game addiction, the person affected does not suffer for a long time, so that many addicts do not seek help until very late or not at all.


Basically, computer game addiction can only be prevented by increased control: either by fellow human beings or by one’s own discipline. Likewise, attempts should be made to fill time with culture, sports, education, or similar programs, rather than wasting it on mostly mindless and grudge-busting games. Crucial in all of this, however, is to recognize the extent of computer game addiction and act accordingly.


After successful treatment for computer game addiction, it is important to avoid relapse. Many former addicts need to set clear boundaries that must not be stretched in everyday life. Such exceptions easily break down and become a habit that opens the door to addiction again. A key component of aftercare is to continue working on the causes of computer game addiction. Many computer game addicts must first rebuild a social environment. It is often a good idea to re-establish contact with old friends and acquaintances from whom the person concerned withdrew during the addiction. Sometimes, however, the former environment consists largely of other computer addicts who may not yet be ready to fight their addiction. In this case, it makes sense to make new friends and limit contact with old friends at least to the point where there is no risk of relapsing yourself. How common relapses to computer game addiction are has not been sufficiently researched – but they are very common with other addictions. As soon as a relapse is identified, the former therapist should be contacted to resume therapy if necessary or to have some stabilizing conversations. Other resources such as reliable friends, family, or telephone counseling can also support the sufferer.

Here’s what you can do yourself

In order to cope with everyday life without computer game addiction, it is important for sufferers to learn self-control strategies so that situations of temptation to play can be circumvented. The self-help of computer addicted persons thus results from the behavioral analysis and the identification of the background problem that has led to pathological gaming behavior. From this therapeutic approach, the affected person learns coping strategies, whereby the topic of personal responsibility always takes on a very high and central significance. If there is an unintentional relapse into PC gaming addiction, the person affected should know where to find professional help directly. This is because the personal admission of the need for help is also an important psychological moment in order to regain self-control as quickly as possible, even in the event of a relapse. Self-awareness of one’s own pathological behavior patterns is very helpful in everyday life to see through the psychological mechanisms of a computer game addiction. This self-analysis can therefore help to critically question and correct one’s own behavior.If escaping responsibility, overestimating oneself or dishonesty towards oneself and others determine the world of thoughts, the way to a relapse to computer game addiction is not far. But this can be changed in a goal-oriented way. Affected persons should not go this way alone in everyday life, but through support with the help of self-help groups for depression, support for self-confidence and self-assurance or to learn relaxation techniques.