Condurango: Dosage

The drug is crushed and taken in the form of infusions and other bitter preparations. In phytopharmacy, the bark is included in a few combination preparations, often of the gastrointestinal group.

Condurango: the correct dosage

The mean daily dose, unless otherwise prescribed, is 0.2-0.5 g of the (aqueous) extract, 2-5 g of the tincture, 2-4 g of the fluid extract, or 2-4 g of the crushed drug.

Condurango – preparation as a tea.

To prepare tea, 1.5 g of the crushed drug (finely chopped or coarsely planed; 1 teaspoon equals about 3 g) is added to cold water and brought to a brief boil. Finally, when the mixture has cooled completely, it can be passed through a tea strainer.

Another form of application is to prepare the drug with wine for several days, at about 50-100 g of the drug per liter.

To stimulate appetite, a cup of the infusion or a liqueur glass of the wine mixture should be drunk 30 minutes before each meal.

When should Condurango not be used?

Condurango should not be taken if latex allergy is present or if hypersensitivity to Condurango exists. Severe hypersensitivity reactions (anaphylactic shock) have sometimes been observed in individuals with latex allergy from taking the drug.

No use in animals

In animals, condurango bark may be toxic above a certain dose. The lethal dose LD50 for dogs and cats is 40-50 mg/kg body weight, which means that at this concentration half of the test animals do not survive.

Storing Condurango Properly

The drug should be stored in a dry place away from light.