Consequences of deep vein thrombosis | Deep leg vein thrombosis

Consequences of deep vein thrombosis

Pulmonary embolism is a serious consequence of deep vein thrombosis. This is a life-threatening complication in which the blood clot has travelled through the veins from the leg to the heart and lungs where it blocks an artery. The main symptoms are breathing too quickly or with difficulty, dizziness and weakness.

This condition should be treated as soon as possible. Another consequence of deep vein thrombosis can be postthrombotic syndrome. In this syndrome, the blood flow obstructed by the clot causes damage to the venous valves.

As a result, the blood can no longer be transported easily from the legs to the heart and sinks into the legs. Leg swelling, pain and even open ulcers can result from impaired wound healing. Therefore, a quick treatment of deep vein thrombosis is important to prevent consequential damage.

Sports after deep vein thrombosis

Sport is recommended after deep vein thrombosis. Above all, endurance sports such as cycling, walking, swimming or hiking should be practiced. The patient should take care not to exercise too intensively in the beginning and to adapt the sport to the physical condition.

In the beginning, compression stockings should also be worn, which can be gradually removed once the pain or swelling has subsided. The exact procedure should always be discussed with the treating doctor.